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RE: How to be an Extreme Couponer (and save some serious cash) in a few easy steps!

in #money9 years ago

Absolutely!! Thank you for your support, I really hoped someone would benefit from this!
My favorite websites are Krazy Coupon Lady and Cuckoo for Coupons. I would also encouraging you to Google Couponing with where you live, and you'll likely find some more local sites. For example, I found a great one for the Portland area where I'm at. In addition to couponing, it's given me ideas for cheap things to do with my family! ANYONE can do this. There was a time when I subscribed to 6 Sunday newspapers for the inserts and would constantly do big roll over deals at Walgreens and Rite Aid. I was able to build up enough of a stash that I don't need to work as hard anymore, and I'll never have to pay for a toothbrush again! :)


Alison--I am a bit disappointed to hear about Extreme Couponing--it really got me fired up over the possibilities of scoring freebies and saving money in general. <<here's my sad face>> But I enjoyed reading your article, and it hasn't put me off couponing in the least--even though I'm just a newbie. P.S. Have you checked out She lays out the deals almost as good as the KCL--and with a check-off sheet for store deals.

Thanks again.

I still think the show can be inspiring because it does get one fired up about it! I just want everyone to know that it's not realistic. But you can still score lots of freebies! Did you know the Dollar Tree takes coupons up to $1? You can get TONS of free things there! I will definitely check out Coupon Mom, thank you for the info!!

Thank you for the website recommendations! And a lifetime supply of toothbrushes?? Well done! :)