Good picks and tied with @davor27. So we will have a tie braker and instead of winning 15 sbd you may win 20 sbd or if both sode agree then the winner tomorow can win 15 sbd and the loser 5 sbd. What do you think?
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yes give the loser 5SBD will you tag me when the post is up for me to make my selctions please ?
I guess me asking this shows im really new still, lol. How do i tag you? Do i just put your name in my post? Or? Thanks
you use the @ symbol as in @daydreams4rock -- but i will check not to see if the next comp is up
Hey, the tie breaker is up. Who ever has more selections right wins. Dont have to have them all right, just more then your opponent. But in regular contest you must have all correct selections. Thanks and good luck