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RE: Conspiracy Theorists Can Relax! Steve Mnuchin Peers Through Ft. Knox Window And Confirms Gold Is Still There!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Its a paper world, the federal reserve admitted 5/6 years ago that they dont have any physical gold only paper certificates given to them in the way of government bonds, to print more crap paper as we know which is secured by ever increasing debt to the joe sheep public! we all should know the ponzi by now?


Yeah thats how it works. The Fed buys bonds with interest attached so we use all the Income tax to pay back the interest on those perpetually made bonds and in turn they set the interest rates which attempt to prevent bubbles so the USD doesn't become worthless. The governments job is to dominate the world and force other countries to need USD to buy things that way it isnt just domestic paper. Supply and demand for USD is the only thing that makes t worth anything. But an ounce of silver is always an ounce of silver and thats why I keep stacking