My new financial plan....

in #money7 years ago

OK... well, I missed selling on the last high. I regret that because I quit my job. I should have cashed out some when that happened, but I wasn't thinking that way yet. Even still I don't really feel that bad selling steem at $5 or SBD at $7. I think they'll be worth more by the end of the month. I think this is just a temporary set back, but all this is getting me to think through money and my investments.

I have a fair amount invested in crypto right now. The bulk of that is in Steem, but I used some of my author rewards to spread out my investment into other cryptos. Ultimately I don't think that matters too much. All of these altcoins basically go lockstep with btc. I'm hoping/betting that one coin will rise faster than the others, but if I average out my hits and misses I'm betting I'm really mostly tracking my value with the value of btc at any given moment. It's the rare few that have the bulk of their money sitting on tron before it moons 8M percent.

New Plan

Right now I'm cashing out a small amount of post rewards every day. I'm going to keep doing that to make sure my family has money to operate on. Next up I've started a powerdown. My goal here is to invest more in the media side of what I've been working on for a while. I recently toured @davidpakman's studio and am working on a plan to get a lite version of that going. Can think of my studio as a Dogepakman studio. Much fun. Very wow. Such camera!

Anyway, I'm pulling some of that out of the system because I need some fiat to make that baby happen. I'm also hoping to keep more steem as a liquid steem. I want to be able to sell the highs and buy the dips. Some folks make think that HODL is right, and generally I agree, but now that I quit muh jerb I can monitor the market a little better and try to use some best guesses of highs and lows to sell low and buy high... but that takes liquid steem. So, that's on the radar too.

Spreading some back to fiat

I happen to think this is a small correction of where the market is heading. I think we'll hit 100k btc by 2020. I think as more people come online it'll be worth more and more, and as the value goes higher more and more people will want in. Some exchanges are seeing 100k new users a day right now and struggling over the growth. It seems to me there's more room for growth even if 20k btc seems absurd to us now. That leads me to think that Steem is gonna have a banner year. I think we'll be at $50 or more by the end of the year. So, I do hate the idea of selling at less than that, but timing matters.

What I'm really looking to be able to do is ladder sell near the highs and ladder buys near the lows and hopefully catch some good discounts on steem while paying my bills. I also think I need to diversify. I'm pretty excited for the returns in crypto, but the risk seems through the rough all the time, and the stress is high too. Kudos to the guys doing this for a while and having the balls to hodl through some gruesome down turns. But they're probably single. I've got a wife and kids and no stable employment (though I did pickup a nice gig writing a white paper for another coin). So, I'm trying to balance that stuff out.

As much as I hate it I think I'm gonna have to invest some of this in some more stable shit. I guess I'll start paying down my house faster...

Cool opportunity

This wasn't worth it's own post and I'm hoping they don't read this, but I made an appointment with a crypto VC firm in Boston. I'm gonna pitch them on the gospel of Steem. This fits in with my mission of growing the steem ecosystem. Hopefully they'll be passive investors rather than circle jerk some other VC firms that come in or even better use us as a platform to talk about their investments and what they're doing.

Who knows. Could be cool.

Not financial advice

I hate that we're putting this on these kinda posts. But this is what's right for me and my family. do what's right for you and yours. I'm not a financial advisor or at least I don't self identify taht way. I identify as a vegan diamond encrusted knapsack and clearly those can't provide financial advice. W/e these disclaimers are dumb.

There are 2 pages

Good job on leaving your job and living what most people would call the crypto dream! Out of curiosity how did you get such a big negative Steem delegation?

I recently toured @davidpakman's studio and am working on a plan to get a lite version of that going. Can think of my studio as a...

Dogepakman studio. Much fun. Very wow. Such camera!

U owe me a new keyboard Mister aggro-ED! LMAO with a mouthful of coke zero is a ME$$$! ;)

Nah, Really tho, I hope it works out well for you. I am much closer to retirement (nope, I'm not that OLD!) but very, very early, earliest possible in our system, and I may be just fine with STEEMIT and other investments. I still have a bit of time, but it's coming together!

I really like the honesty in this post and the practicality you present. I am also looking forward to seeing how the video and studio projects go. Much love as you continue to do awesome things here.

Never feel bad for selling some crypto for fiat if you need it for a project in real life!

What is important is real life...

You do what you think is best for you and your family, and that is what you should do :-)

Interesting outlook. I'm (1) glad that you and others are bullish on STEEM & SBD, but I also (2) am worried that since we're all invested in it, we may be unreasonably or naively optimistic about it. I HOPE that I'm wrong, but time will tell.

As a new comer (3 months, just before the boom :-)), I tend to keep my head cool from all this overoptimism on Steemit. Yet, I did my personal homework, and the fundamentals are there, and the dev team appear to me very competent and motivated. So, maybe not a Steem at 1000$, but a good solid growth seems to me reasonable.

Agreed. I figured I would try it out as a way to put up my ideas and see what happens.

@aggroed. Thank you sir. Yeah, I am still learning the ropes but I'm starting to understand all this Steem jargon more and more. That studio idea sounds really good. I also Follow @davidpakman and really enjoy the quality of Content he puts out and the subject matter is really stimulating to me. I think you have the opportunity to make it as good if not better. You seem to have the Following do it. So I really look forward to seeing that :)

thanks very much, I appreciate that!

Yep, keep it up man. Really good stuff. I think some of us just cannot get enough of political topics especially when talking about the frailties of one well known politician lol

@aggroed I think youve got a better financial plan. The volatility of cryptos is scary especially for those people who hadn't had much or just starting and putting investment on it. But for people who had nothing, embraced it well. For them there is nothing to lose.

wait, i thought you were a furry knapsack?!?? wtf agg, quiitng your job doesn't mean you can stop working, even i know that. you are an adopted furry and must not renege your roots.

now is the furrfect time to launch the furrcoin and furry product line. i've included a photo of the furry knapsack here for you to bring to that meeting....

ps. you should probably commence dying your hair and dressing in vivid colors, per furry custom.

pps im listing you as directing manager of furries anonymous.

But I prefer to stay furry anonymous...

Just don't put it in my public profile I prefer jackelope.

omg you know about de jackalope?? dis is a long time favorite of mine. much jackalope hunting by mah frens and i out in da wild west.

but if I average out my hits and misses I'm betting I'm really mostly tracking my value with the value of btc at any given moment.

Yes totally agree with the above as most alt coin move together with btc so once it moons we expect a familiar result to alt coin.

The idea of withdrawing some steem out is cool as family comes first, although am not yet married but as relationship goes, those closest to us should be held with all love and caring for them just goes to show you are human.

Regretting to sell sooner, that's what most of us think even us with little or no steem lol but same time it would have probably been enough to buy more steem this low presently.

At the end good luck and love to your family.

You do you @aggroed. Thanks for sharing your strategy. Helps give us too-afraid-to-leave-the-rat-race folks some insight and inspiration.

Everything above should be construed as mad props. 😎

Good to see you keeping it real @aggroed. There is no shame in powering down or pulling money out to support the family or diversify.

Good luck with the VC firm. If we can get businesses on here talking about their investments and projects it will help us go to the next level. This is more than a "social" network. It can be a professional one too.

I made the same mistake of missing the recent high prices of Steem and SBD. I wish I had sold some as well so that I could buy some of the things I need to be more productive in my content creating ventures (a new camera and laptop). Hopefully we're just in a little lull and prices will go back up

I've always wondered if those disclaimers actually do anything if someone decided to take you to court. Most of the time you only get in trouble when you say you're something you're not, but we live in a crazy world now days.

Ain't that the horrible truth. I remain optimistic, but yes totally agree.

"Kudos to the guys doing this for a while and having the balls to hodl through some gruesome down turns. But they're probably single."

Hmm... I feel like you're talking about me here.

But yes, your logic is sound. I don't think you should feel bad about powering down to afford your life. This is now your job so you are going to have to take an income from it. I accepted that (not with steem but other cryptos) a while ago even though I'd probably HODL forever otherwise.

It’s great you have your own investment strategy. I’m actually in all cash right now except for Steem. I want to wait and see how low Bitcoin is going to drop first

Yeah, I was thinking of you days after making that post, but don't let it get you down, because with the release of SMT's it pop back up and you'll be able to cash out a little STEEM then.

Personally, I've found living without a job to drag you down opens up plenty of opportunities to grow more.

And think of all that time, glorious time you've just wrestled back from the system.

I'm no fortune teller but your 2018 outlook is:

Don't cling to the past, but rather move towards your future.

Now go get some of that action...

Nice read! First time that i'm coming across your profile but this post is genuine, so I'm following & resteemed.

Please keep us posted on how everything works out!

Definitely agree that you need to put Family first and have that safety net now while you're unemployed.

Last year, I quit my job in the hopes to make it as a freelancer, and I was shooting for a 150% salary increase. I took the risk and unfortunately, things didn't work out as planned so I returned back to my job. I didn't have a safety net of savings, gave up my apartment & temporarily moved back in with my parents, and the whole uncertainty made me feel vulnerable.

I will definitely try again in a few years time, when I have a bit more experience but it was a valuable learning experience.

It's great that you've got a strong following & can post consistently good content. You'll make that money back in no time, and even if the price of Steem shoots up, it's not a loss. Being able to quit your job & try something different is inspiring & your passive income from Steem has enabled you to do that.

Good luck with the VC meetup, and keep us posted! Take it easy

Oh, founder of the Minnow Support Project. Nice work there! Now i feel silly for not coming across you before :D

My plan is exactly the same as yours. I am going to be selling my SBDs to fiats daily, well, except that I don't have any SBDs to sell, or any cryptos or fiats for that matter, and I am single. Anyhow, I think It is going to be a great year.

Don't you make bank as a witness?

When I get to your level on steemit, I'm going to use your plan. It's excellent and logical. First, I have to grow up and be like you tho.

Really good idea carry on your doing Good. God bless you. I hope you achieved your dreams and be happy in your life.

like your post

The sudden deceleration as I would say, has also kept me thinking, I have begin to think of these opportunities as my alternative. I was even thinking, if this falling could not have happened, maybe I could quit my job, because my job is becoming an unbecoming......i understand you better, you've always been a nice person, although if I have not been specifically opportune, but I can clearly see.....
I love your plans and I and I also reasons if I could implement it in my plans also and also hope for the cool opportunity

yeah, well, fuck working for the man.

lol, yeah maybe I should say that louder "fuck working for the man"

but believe me, I respect you a lot @aggroed

Here, here.
Next stop, dropping out of the system. Much harder.

Yeah, if you are a debt slave I'd work on that mortgage. Plus nothing wrong with diversifying. I plan on pulling out a little once we recover from this dip. I'm wanting precious metals. Even if they underperform usually, I think the psychological benefit from stacking them would help me stay sane with my absurdly high risk portfolio.

Well @aggroed!

Life is not static but changing with every passing second. One has to do certain planing to achieve some worth in it. Those plans you shared are no doubt belong to you but i must say those plans will also hep me too like you said

I'm also hoping to keep more steem as a liquid steem. I want to be able to sell the highs and buy the dips. Some folks make think that HODL is right, and generally I agree, but now that I quit muh jerb I can monitor the market a little better and try to use some best guesses of highs and lows to sell low and buy high... but that takes liquid steem. So, that's on the radar too.

You always come up with a very straight away approac with huge honest attitude, which actually turned me into your fan. So, today i finally collected courage to tell the Steemian about myself and wrote my First Ever post, You actually gave me courage to write it, for which i am really really thankful to you @aggroed <3

Massive Respect and Love to You

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

rock on! THat's the Steem way. Have fun!

Thanks My Friend you're always very Kind :) @aggroed

Dont be fooled by the hype my friend. Cryptos are interesting and have an interesting Future ahead.
But It is still a risky business, so dont put all your eggs on the same basket. And after all, some times you need to cook some eggs to feed yours.

In cryptos, even steem that have a pratical use, all prices are only based on promisses of what they May do on the Future.

It can moon, but there is also the possibility that everything Falls faster than a bread with butter on both sides.

So stay on the game, but try to have a plan b always ready.

I hear ya. You gotta keep it real. Diversify that life with future and present planning. Good luck buddy!

waooww !! your plan is great.. i think crypto is future <3 i am crypto lover <3 please share more your ideas or plans like this <3 now i am following you beacause i wanna see more posts like this in future <3 thanks for sharing man

congratulations.i apricate your plan..carry on your activity...

Nice strategy. Gotta do what's right for you and your family! Excited to see what you do with the media side.

I also wished I sold my SBD when it was high cos I need to buy a laptop, but SBD is now dropping. Well I hope it rises back and better than before

Hilarious but serious, and pretty much what i have been doing in my little way since i joined steem and i think its the best plan. cheers to your new plan

so sorry for the bad timing! don't despair, everything will be okay! sending hugs and good thoughts! cheers @aggroed

not sure it's bad. I'm sellign bits of steem at $5. A month ago i'd be praying for that!

I was thinking about sbd, but you're right
Money come, money go

That's Quite amazing. Good job.

Thank you for the info. because it is very interesting for me

From one job quitter to another... here is 25 cents of upvote. Keep up the good work.

Well aren't you one of my favorite people here? All said and done even if you're not a financial advisor at least I can become rich following your advice, I'm looking forward to actualizing your concept sir.

Thank you for sharing this with us @aggroed. For sharing what's on your mind. With how the market is right now, reactions and feedbacks coming from whales are very important especially for minnows like me. :) Thank you @aggroed! ☺♥

$50 steem by end of year would be awesome!
I am hopping for $20-25. and feel that is realistic,but like to dream big too!
bought at $1.25 then at .88 so winning so far!
crypto the Fed to death!

But who knows what's high and low in this market ! I lost out big time with LTC think 190 was the high then I was the low :( lesson learnt .
I'm sure you know what your doing . . Good luck

I identify as a vegan diamond encrusted knapsack and clearly those can't provide financial advice.

Well, that made me end this post with a smile.

I appreciate this. Clear, honest, no hidden stuff. That's the best kind of posts we could have on this platform.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Ouch dude thats pretty unfortunate, at least its a lesson learnt next time they are high put a little to the side. Hey $5 and $7 are not to bad afterall. Good luck with your endeavors!

Nice post. Honest and real. One of the many things I love about the platform is how many folks will share honest information. Having a family myself, I can completely relate to looking out for your flock :) Must take care of the fam first and foremost. As to quitting the job, congrats on that and best of luck to you. I'm sure you will do well.

Thanks for being a responsible human in a sea of madness. I look up to you and one day I hope to have jalangs hanging off muh manhood just like you.

"But this is what's right for me and my family. do what's right for you and yours. "

Great advice! My husband cashed some out, we needed cash.. You do what you need to do! Things change on a daily basis in our life.

I've followed you since I came to steemit and have learned a lot from your posts!

Hoping the video projects take off for you!


My daughter recently quit her job and is new to Steemit I am hopeful that she will find success here as part of the next phase of her life.

It feels like this!

Yes $100k is conservative

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