lol God is always at rest, isnt his plan going according to plan? why would he need to do anything?
ha just kidding man, but let me ask you this, could God microwave a burrito so hot that He himself could not eat it?
but seriously yes we are doing God's work here on Steemit, not Goldman Sachs!
We should open Steemit Christian ministris LOl seriously tho E- ministries are vry popular, people do sermons over youtube etc, we could have steemit church and connct christians all over the world, make steem the currency of christian chairty, imagine when peopel can find out they can directly donate money to someone in need, via their upvote, and not have to spend a dime of theior own money....christians can invest in steempower, upvote a person in developing world and its a win win, as steem gos up they amke money, and the person ineed gets paid without it coming out of the pocket of the person giving chaorty!
imagine how badly we could disrupt the corrupt Charity industry!