Hello my dears!!! My post for today will speak about a topic that really I dont speak usually: my side maternal and my childs 😊💕
*Here an old pic of my little monsters, one of my prefers. Gino, my little son, really was enjoying so much to flight when he was a baby
I love my children, they are my life in some way, a great legacy that requires a great degree of maturity and responsibility plus a big and warm dose of affection... they are my legacy not because they are the blood of my blood if not because part of me it will to live in them when I´ll leave this world: my laughter, the humor sense, my angers, my looks, manners, traditions, concerns, fundamental values, art...
Learning to love the little big moments in life, have fun, smile, share with others and let the joy multiply, it's free.
- Playing with snow in the garden of our home
As many of you will know, I responded to the call of the mountain many years ago, this was a new adventure that I began at that time in the company of my ex-partner with whom the road has forked for many reasons, there are few things that we agree today but one of Those things that we still agree on is that we still think that this place is one of the best places for children to grow up: growing up connected with the environment in a place of unbeatable, connected with the human condition in a cosmopolitan city and sadly connected also with human misery...
The family's house is located in a humble neighborhood of the city called "Valle Azul", the place is amazing and the panoramic view is incredible but the small detail is that is one of the new neighborhoods located next to the city garbage dump. The history of this despicable place is almost a joke in bad taste: The years go by, the sanitation proposals, the promises and the governments and policians of the moment, and the situation of the garbage dump located in the middle of a national park in an beautyfull area that should be a human heritage surrounded of sweet water (precious asset by nature) are the most big black joke that continues to worsen year after year.
The reality is that at a time when the world needs real and political commitments that promote sustainability the fact of having an open-air garbage dump whose leachates drain into large water reservoirs (without naming the repeated occasions in which it burns as product of the combustion of the same waste or intensionally, releasing avoidable amounts of toxic particles into the atmosphere) seems a bad joke... I understand that topics like this there are in all the world but is that I think too that everybody must to reclaim the rigth to live in an healty enviroment , learn to live in compromise with the earth and to enjoy of the steps that can to walk in this live leaving footprints on hearts and minds, and minimizing carbon footprints whenever possible (or at least being aware of it)
*PIC by David Cruces. Cycling around the neighborhood visiting hidden realities with the kids
Kids are my heroes, they was arrived at this world without mental contaminations to learn, appreciate, care, enjoy, dream and create displaying own magic, and one of my biggest wishes is preserved and protect that force primordial that shine intensily in their hearts, that spark in their eyes, that powerfull energy charged of joy, positivism and pure love.
- Gino loves the nature, the animals and live in general, from scary little insects to large mammals and plants, but -from always- he has a special adoration for the sea and the jungle... perhaps he is feeling his own "call" from there💙 He is a thirsty for adventure and explorer by nature.
- This is a sad blood palma by Gino; seems that draw bloody plants is some familiar 😅 https://peakd.com/roses/@vvanestati/question-of-passions
- Aless is fascinated with engineering and the stars, he dreams of being a great engineer and participating in the creation of a ship destined to explore the universe, Meanwhile, we explore some beautiful corners of our beautiful world...
- In the background of the last pic, Castaño Overo Glacier (seen from the trekking trail on the way to Laguna Ilón). Below, some photos exploring and enjoying our beautiful and beloved Patagonia.
* In the backround: Cerro Castillo (chile)
I was always a simple person who likes deep and open talks, for me there are no taboo topics or difficult enough not to make an effort to understand. I feel that there is much to discover and learn all the time, so much to do, to change, also there are realities that shake all our convictions, they challenge us and change ourselves. The world intrigues me, universe, psiquis, I am curious about different topics, for the ways of living and perceiving life that people have depending on the place where they grew up, I love life in all its forms and I believe that each one of our small actions leaves powerful marks in the places where we travel and the people with whom we spend our time, we leave our vibes in the air, in the objects, in the places, we touch lives. .. somehow I feel that I am the mother of my children but that at the same time I am more myself for having them in my life, they represent a dichotomous connection between connecting with the version of me of maximum responsibility and letting to flow my own inner child, in both facets there is a primary desire: that my children never lose the ability to be amazed, to explore, to want to discover new things, have fun, play, paint, love ... I want them to grow as beings Committed, mature and responsible humans but without losing sight of their inner children, these childs that dont stop of marveleus with the little things of the live. I know that the task will be truly very difficult because the world reality makes it difficult in many aspects: the world that we leave you is a materilist in general, a sad place, devastated and with a future is going adrift.
- Shoot taked in coast of Mar del Plata, acting, doing sad faces, posing with the sad urban art.
- On the way to school, where you learn only a few things... Many other and very important things are transmitted by example, getting involved, doing. Below, an old video from 2017 of a self-organized meeting with the Couchsurfing group (courtesy of TTF) to clean the lake and raise awareness, and some photos from the Climate Strike Bariloche 2019, both times, we said PRESENT!
*Hands in green are of tourist and people in the streets that wanted say "PRESENT" too ...
- Love and compromise from the little childhood.
If exist something in this world that give us soberany and control about: our lives, the impact that we have in the world and the healty of our bodies that is the capacity to product our food and to have knowledges related with the food in general, what we eat, why, what is the quality of our aliments... learn how cultivate is one practice that in my case come from my childhood from the green lands of Italy until here, and then has been to transmited generation by generation from my grandfathers until my sons:
- Harvesting tomatoes in home.
And it is that it is difficult for me not to think seriously about the future of my children, not to worry about the disorder that we are leaving them in this great home that is our land, exhausting resources with the focus put in the side wrong: the societies continue to be more concerned about a couple more or less of money than for the humanity, for life. Of course, its so more easy consume than producting, wait of others than create or give at others without expects in recibe compensation, these acts that in childhood are commun and the system mold for convenience with the pass of time, we have so much to re-learn from our childrens, let them be childrens and contemplate them. Is sad for me to think that they will continue to dream in color for a time, and then the future will begin to fade and lose that colours as they grow if we do not make radical changes from today, from right now.
Thought-provoking photo ... taken in Epecuén (Provincia de Buenos Aires -Argentina-)
Give your smile and your good disposition to the world, plant trees without thinking that one day you will enjoy their fruits or their shade, put bricks on bricks in all the fields of your life, don't feel that the world owes you something or it is out there so that you simply stock up on it... build: build relationships, build your house, build your path, build yourself, build your life, build day by day the world you want to live in.
- 👆 Photos from the construction memories's archive of our house with our own hands, camping on the building site and with full time dedication.
When I decided be mother in a city where the family is far, without a profession that give me a profit the sufficiently good like corrupt my intrinsec values, the idea of remain in my house, to see growth my childrens, build our house, transform the land in a beautiful garden fully of flowers and magic trees, do a greengarden (seasonal vegetables and fruits trees), to cook healthy "Fatto in casa", and so much etc more, was the winner... I could do it, but I know that there are people that feel that can't , I still thinking that is sad that normal parametres between stay out of home for eight hours each day (minimun) or spend quality time are based comparing cost and benefits in terms economics, money, losting out of the ecuation the fact that you are change the better child years of the childrens for only a couple, more or less, of coins... Its true that sometimes the necesity is first, but in others cases the social presion about the personal decition is the strength that win: more than one time I was questioned for "not work" while, ridicously, i felt that I was working like never in my life and without a recognition of any kind for it: no monetary and no compliments, I was in charge of my house, building that, the garden, in charge of my childs, the school, doctors, my superior studies, etc etc etc, rested a five hours in promedy for more than three years and all that was supously simple because those it was I had to do. In middle of all that madness I found little spaces in which I didicate to do my art, digitally my safe and warm space was DADA, so without thinking in that in 2017 I started my way like cryptoartist at the same time that I did everything else adding to my list of the works non profits, one usenless spend of time more, before the eyes of a closed society in general when dealing with ways of thinking.
- Enjoying little big moments
When the pandemic touched our doors shaking our realities the relation with my ex partner 24X7 let see the big personal changes in different directions that both we had experimented with the pass of the time, some of theydefinitely irreconciliables... with this new vision of the things comed the decision of separated us, more other preocupations. In my case economic situation was (and still being) one of the more difficults to affront, the traditional logic say: you must to found a traditional job, forget your dreams and let that your childs will be educated far from you, inside and only under the rules of the system... but I'm a dreamer and prefer still dream a little bit; I have a time for to do that my career as a crypto artist to function, a deadline, I really love this, appasionate me make my art and the simple possibilitie of to be here today writing for you from the deep of my soul, dedicating time for transmit my thinks througt of this text, from my pictures and my artwork, it is on of the things more fantastic that happened in my life until now, I'm still belive that my art is the way, the comunion, where work and life are indistincts for me... do you think that I choose this way because is more easily than get a traditional job? Believe me I would love to agree with you and sorry for disappointing you but I must say you that no, not is more easy, in fact is all the contrary... but, I feel that is my way anyway. Here, it work so much, all day, every day, at all hour, without diference between days of the week or weekends, and while you do it, you only corroborate that this same people that not found values in those hard work that you did like housewife and mother, It also take care of putting a lesser weight on the way in wich you choose to earn a living, at this bad situation you must to add the fact of that to sell personal pieces still being very difficult to achieved -as a crypto artist you are the producer, you are your own promoter, the administrator, the publicist, public relations, etc.-and is a way difficult to hold that require really much time and effort, imposible to continue in the time if one does not receive enough income to be able to live calm and continue making art. Nevertheless, I'm convinced that blockchain represent big opportunities for to do the things in a better form, so that many women, mothers, change their realities and can empower themselves, take charge of their lives, Blockchain have the power for change the world, has opened already posibilities before unthinked... I believe that the organizations of people with a similar visions and similar personal motivations will can be the response at this invisivilization that almost every artist suffer in the metaverse (more if we talk about women). Is necesary know that in this space coexist: who do art from te intrinsecal motivation with who is producting specifically with the intention only of the selling and save their lifes or to feed their own egos, all is a madness of platforms, chanels, chats, multiple blockchains, a salad of NFTs where il volume of pieces, the competition, the necessity, has turned the ambient in a savage digital place where you, easily, can feel lost, frustrated, stunned, if you found alone, for your own count, in this giant paralel cryptoworld.
In middle of the noise of Metaverse and sharing a vision about the possibilities hiding behind Blockchain tecnnology, a big change, a revolution, has beggin to born...
My first revolution was and still is in DADA, my eternal love is for that beautiful community, next I saw born WOCA where feminine power is raising like a Fenix, so strong, with so fire and magic, and now, tomorrow, is the launch of MOE (Mothers of ETH), an space destinate to create a community in which the mothers of this space can support each other. The power is in the people who have the desire and intentions to really change things, of involve, of begin to make those really significant and profound changes that our world needs to make it a fairer place for everyone, where whoever wants to can become a realized person, empower themselves... where finally each of us can all live with dignity taking your own decitions about how want live your life.
- "Dichotomous present" is the collage that I have created for this exhibition, a work that tells a story ...
NOTE: You will see it in duplicate for technical problems that I have not fixed yet, but it is a unique copy. 👇😊Available in: https://rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:808499:0xf65364f73687045970135889bf945f3589c9da93?tab=details
As always, I have written a gigantic post !!! It only remains for me to say that our children came to a world where they must learn to fight where helmets and armor will be their own convictions, their ability to imagine, create, love, smile ...
It is very likely that just like what happens to me when I see photos like this, my whole life ends up feeling like a blink, sometimes I can't understand how time passed so quickly ...
... whatever, I will make every minute count, every crusade will be worth it just to contemplate - while I can - these tender and unruly souls, their bright eyes, those beautiful smiles. The world sucks in more ways than one but this is a very sweet life if you put the focus where it is really worth it, you have a unique and wonderful opportunity to make your journey magical, if you forgot how, relearn from children.
*I'm an eternal dreamer "But I'm not the only one"...
What about you?* 🤓🎶💜
See you in the next post!!!!
BIG HUG and the best wishes from the south of globe 🤗
!discovery 25
Wow, what a poetic and epic way to share your life. Thanks for keeping it real and straight from the heart.
Thank you very much to you, Joe, for your genuine words of encouragement, for appreciate my art and for read my long posts ❤️🙏😊 BIG HUG from the south of globe!!!
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