My mother's alternative treatment: Nuga Best (Thermal Therapy and Spine Alignment)

in #moderntechnologies10 months ago

Hi Ka-Hivers welcome to my blog!

Let’s dive into my first experience in Nuga Best House together with my mother and learn more about it. Maybe this is your sign for an alternative treatment.


Edited in Canva

A short backstory…

As I have mentioned in my introduction blog, my mother has a lump on her right breast and now there's a lump in her right armpit too. She’s done with her mammogram and chest x-ray and the next one is a biopsy. But, my father is against it and my Lola as well. As for me, I'm 50/50 percent of agreeing and disagreeing. We know the advantages and the disadvantages of biopsy and the reason why my family members are against it for the reason that my mother is so industrious. She can’t sit without doing something and I must say she’s so stubborn! I would tell her I would do all the household chores but she just won’t listen! What will happen to her if she’s this stubborn and she’ll do the biopsy? Though she’s so willing to undergo a biopsy at least in this part she wasn’t stubborn enough to go with it even though she already set a schedule to it.

To make the story short my mother had not done the biopsy yet. She met her friend with similar cases with her. After a week, that friend contacted me through messenger and asked how my mother was doing. I told her there were no changes, but the lump was still there even though my mother had taken almost all the herbal medicine and some medicines that were said to be effective and they even went to some of the quack doctors. That friend was the one who introduced us to the Nuga Best. She said that Nuga Best helped her to make her lump vanish. So I told my mother about it and at first, my Lola was against it and even my father. Well because it’s unbelievable that you will get healed just by laying on the bed or just by those technologies. But my mother wanted to try it just as an alternative because the biopsy was against the family.

Quite confusing right? Okay let me get this through…

What is Nuga Best?

Nuga Best is a Thermal therapy and spine alignment, it is in 22 years of service. Nuga Best won 8 years in a row as the People's Choice Award. They have lots of products and you can say it’s really expensive! But the good part is that you can't purchase their product if you have not yet graduated on their 10-15 days of free trial.

The motivation for this modernized treatment is all because of the mother’s love. The inventor who is a Korean noticed his mom had increasing pains and aches as it grows old. He wants his mother to get better and so that’s why Nuga products have been made. He is an Engineer, a scientist, and at the same time a doctor. The core component of all the Nuga best products is a tournanium.

Photos taken by me

It has a lot of branches and here in the north province of Cebu has only 1 and is located in Bogo City.

My mother was done with her 10-day trial in one of the branches of Nuga Best in Lapu-Lapu which is nearer to where my father worked and stayed. When Mama graduated with the 10-day trial, we did not have enough money to buy the products which was the least was 10k! Although she can still continue on the free trial once she can invite someone. But, she decided to start again in Bogo. Because I may be busy in school like for the graduation requirements and practices and I can't take care of my baby brother when he has class. On the third day of her treatment I had decided to come with my mother for two reasons.

  • They have this challenge for every 1 invite my mother will be given 1 tourmanium bead and, a free trial of E50 and M50.
  • I also have some aches in my body but I haven’t gotten checked yet so I just want to try what will be it’s effect.

May 08, 2024, it’s my mother’s third day of going to Nuga Best in Bogo and my mother was able to invite the two sisters of my Lola and me as well. We woke up early morning on that date and the 4 of us waited for a bus. While waiting they are chitchatting about different stuffs HAHAHA

Things needed to bring in Nuga Best House

  • 1 pair of socks
  • 2 thin black blanket preferably white
  • 1 extra shirt
  • Water
  • Towel

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Gladly, the bus came and so we rode on it. I was on the last seat beside the window. I love to sit beside the window HAHAHA.

Photos taken by me

My hair is so messed up because I cannot tie it yet. The wind is too strong in the last seat and very bouncy feels like I’m gonna fall through the window

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Then we dropped off at the bus stop and walked to save money which also served as an exercise as well because it’s still early in the morning.

Photo taken by me

My mother and nanay Epenita keep on chitchatting. My nanay said we would stop at a bakery shop to buy some bread because she didn’t eat breakfast so now she’s feeling hungry.

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We had to cross this street and waited for a couple of minutes before we successfully crossed it.

Photos taken by me

We stopped here in Julie's bakeshop as my nanay wished to do first and then they chose some bread. We sat for a minute to relax and they ate some bread while I didn’t because I was still full. We didn’t order some soft drinks or any carbonated drinks because we would go to some therapy and we walked under the heat of the sun and it’s not gonna be okay.

Photos taken by me

Nuga best is still a bit far and we saw some mango. As we are on a tight budget my mother and 2 Nanays decided to buy mangoes that are 40kl rather than the mangoes worth 80 per kg. The 40 per kg mangoes are not so pretty they are somewhat considered as the rejected ones and you will be lucky if you buy some sweet ones because some are too sour. Well, I love sour mangoes but I preferred it unripe.

Photos taken by me

After we bought some mangoes we continued walking and we crossed several streets before we arrived at this 4-storey building. The nuga best house is on the second floor.

Here's a fact:

All the nuga best house is always located on the second floor. The reason is to challenge the client to climb up the stairs especially those who have high cholesterol, arthritis, etc. It is also good for some privacy rather than on the ground floor. (You will understand why on the content below👇)

Photos taken by me

As we reached the Nuga best house, we had to take off our footwear. Just like the culture of Korea, we were greeted by the 2 staff by saying, “Annyeonghaseyo, welcome to Nuga best house” 3x.

Photos taken by me

Since my 2 nanay and I are new we have to fill up some papers. As the youngest, I was tasked to fill up all the papers for my nanay’s.

Photos taken by me

I observed that the space is not too wide but not too small. The ventilation is good the area is clean and the privacy needed is indeed well-served. You can see some equipment needed for the treatment even if you haven’t entered yet. There are 6 N4 beds with a five-ball attached to it, but the sixth one is for VIP (I'm not sure).

Photos taken by me

There is a mat or the NM80 placed on the chair, and E5 on the floor. There’s a TV, amplifier, and some stuff to be used by the lecturer for the discussion, recreation, and Zumba.

Photos taken by me

Every day there’s a daily routine before we lay down on the N4 bed. But we won’t wait for other clients if we arrive first the daily routine starts and that’s it. The latecomers will just directly wait for us until we’re done with the 40-minute free trial in the N4 bed.

The lecture differs by the time of arrival. So, the discussion would take place before or after the treatment and it's more important to the new clients for us to understand the significance of Nuga Best.

Nuga Best daily routine:

  • Prayer
  • Nuga best song recreation

Photo taken by me

  • Zumba
  • Nuga promise

If you use N4 at home may magandang-magandang kalusugan.
If you use N4 at home may magandang-magandang mukha.
If you use N4 at home may magandang-magandang katawan.
If you use N4 at home may magandang-magandang buhat.
Panghabang buhay hanggang 100 years.

After the daily routine, we will now go to the N4 bed, bringing our 2 blankets and stuff beside the bed. The 1st blanket will used to cover the bed while the other one will use to cover our body. The stocking is used for the five-ball, the telephone-like tech.

Photos taken by me

I know it kind of looks weird HAHAHA but it’s giving a massage feeling like something is rolling up and down. For every trial, we are given 40 minutes to lay on the N4 bed along with the five balls. You can feel the heat but not burning in your body, even if you have your clothes and blanket on.

Photo taken by me

Imagine this silicone tourmanium will roll from your neck down to your lumbar and there’s also another shape of tourmanium running through your back. Your head will move up and then down literally.


Photo taken by me

The moving tourmanium will make 14 stops and at every stop, it's directing the important parts of your body and every stop you have to also put on top of you the five ball where it stopped. Refer to this one:

Photo taken by me


After 40 mins. I feel like my head is heavy and I’m a bit dizzy and I feel nauseous. So I had to run to the comfort room and puked a little of some white something. When I got out, the staff said that I had a hyper because feeling nauseous is a sign of having a hyper. She guessed too that I sometimes skip my meals. I didn’t know I had a hyper! She also added that I may also have some migraine because of what I feel in my head. Those are some of the healing reactions and I got lucky because I reacted instantly from the treatment even if I had only tried it once. The feeling after the treatment continued every after I lay on the N4 bed for 4 days with a 40-minute limit per day.


Photo taken by me

Since my mother was able to bring invitees, after the N4 bed for 40 minutes, my mother will have a double treatment. So, she sits on the NM-80 and the next day is the E5. NM-80 is a mat with tourmanium, you can place it on the chair, make it your blanket, or lay on it. While, E5 is more on frequencies and of course with tourmanium. There's this some wire to stick on your back, there's something you will need to hold and lastly the main E5 is the one my mother stepped in (there's two functions in it one on the tourmanium, the brown one and the other one is on the center the color black). While my mother is having the double treatment each day, I just waited for her feeling the healing reactions (I just wanted to lay down and sleep).

Treatment in the NM-80 or the mat.

Photos taken by me

Treatment in the E5.

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Plus a three tourmanium beads equivalent to three invites is given to my mother. This bead is multipurpose, you can put it in your water for drinking, rub it on your head or to which part of your body is aching, etc.


Photo taken by me

Let me share with you some of what I learned during the discussion for the 3 days of coming back to Nuga Best House. I learned something new and something the school hasn't taught yet.

Please zoom in for the content to read better

On the first day of our treatment it discusses the importance and effect of tourmanium.










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On the second day, we have learned about the healing reactions and what does it mean if you have that reactions or what could be your possible illnesses.






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On the third day, we have learned what are the components of tourmanium, how it was made and it's effect to human body.







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We sometimes go home riding a tricycle but mostly we ride a bus because the fare is less.

Photos taken by me

We really hope that this alternative treatment would help my mother to get better. Because after her 10-day trial in Lapu-lapu she said she feel better. We had her test results before trying Nuga and it shows bad results both the mammogram and chest x-ray. So, we really do hope this treatment will help to atleast stop the spread of the lump. Her friend's recent result after 2 months of Nuga treatment shows a good results and even the doctor was happy with the changes. It's an advantage for her because she have a product at home, specifically a belt and she can use it without limits. My mother's friend invited my mother to go to their house to use her Nuga Belt with tourmanium. It's far from our house and only Saturday and Sunday my mom can go to her friend's house. Because those days all Nuga Best House are close, only open on weekdays.

I told my mother that if she ever feel like her breast feels worse or became more heavy, we have to decide to have her undergo biopsy and or surgery. But, my mother had made up her mind, she will finish the Nuga Best 15 days trial in Bogo and after my graduation she will go back to the hospital and see if the results change. She will undergo biopsy if it is needed and a surgery if it's a must. We're thinking of buying atleast one product so my mother can have a treatment at home. I told my father not to spend much on my graduation and instead save it for my mother's treatment. Because my graduation also stopped my mother to undergo the biopsy and of course the surgery.

My mother's health is way more important than me being able to graduate in college. Atleast, I will graduate with a flying colors soon with their hard work, love and support.

You're at the end of my blog, stay healthy and Shalom ✨🤗


you are a loveable child🥹

Thank you @kyla-bacarro I appreciate it a lot✨🤗

I hope it's effective.
, I'll wait for your update.

I really hope so too Jes✨🤗

I hope your Mom will be okay soon Ma'am @leetalks I also would like to thank you Ma'am for sharing about the Therapy. Your blog is very informative.

Thank you po, I really hope too this treatment will be effective for my mother just like how effective it is for others ✨🤗

Honestly, this is something new to me. I've just known about the traditional Tuob, but I wasn't aware of this modern method. I hope this goes well, and your mom, in God's grace, will be fine. Hoping for her fast recovery. I salute you for being such a loving and caring daughter; this would mean a lot to your mom, a strong support system. 🤗

By the way, I encourage you to share it in a community next time, Shane! Love lots! 🫶

Yes Ann it's the modern method of Tuob and massage. Anyway thank you, Ann, I have to be one of my mother's strong support systems because I'm the eldest and I owe my family especially my mother a lottt!♥️

I did put it in the HivePh but my phone lagged and the next thing I knew it was published already. It will never happen again, my apology🥺

No worries, Shane! Mishaps happen. 🙌

This sounds new to me, that's a good thing to do especially if you wanted peace and relaxation.❤️✨

You really should try it @brandonwrites, just be prepared for whatever healing reactions you will have✨🤗

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LEO Power Up Day - May 15, 2024

My late father went to Nuga Best center in Laguna several years ago (before the pandemic) I can say that it helped in a way to relax his muscles etc since it is a free massage on his back and spine.

The bed cost around 100k back then and the belt cost around 35k. Good thing now it is not that costly anymore.

I really do hope po for my mother it will slow down the lump to spread more.

Only the alkaline water I think was the least po. The bed now costs 200k po but they are having a promo this coming June po and it's gonna be 178k. The belt was I think 30k po and it's gonna be 28k this coming June too.

Hala grabe naman ang tinaas nung bed! Pero given na years na sha it does make sense na tataas talaga ang price nya.

Oo nga po eh. Pero if you buy naman a bed po may mga freebies na pong dala like yung necklace and bracelet na tourmanium beads po. For every purchase ata po may pa freebies sila. Pero sobrang mahal po talaga hindi pa kaya sa budget, good thing nalang po talaga na may free trial sila.

Chrueee salamat nalang talaga at may libre parin