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RE: I Was A Teen Model For Elite NY And Chicago: Why I'd Never Allow My Own Child To Do The Same

in #modeling8 years ago

This is like private chat told ya!


Well I am not sure...

I have a side of me that believes in the after life. Could be Native American or Buddhism or Hinduism speaking to me internally while directing me towards the Spiritual Path/Journey of this NEW AGE upon us.

Still curious?


yes. But I have a more scientific bent. I don't believe in any afterlife. I believe in making this life as kick ass as possible though.

You are not suppose to believe in afterlife...that would be foolish! You have to feel it and experience it. One may have that luxury during sleep. The problem is...remembering it when you AWAKE!

I hear ya about this life kick ass...

Allow me to help with that!


you already have.