
Online; I use, but they are getting less and less reliable with their delivery times. So I'm going to search for new suppliers.

Just make sure you always read supplier reviews, if you can't find info on them, don't buy from them. Most suppliers are based in India, some in the US.

Also check that your country of origin accepts Modafinil, or you could find your pills being stopped at customs.


Good information. It looks to be hard to get in Canada, there are lots of blog posts about seized shipments.

Will need to investigate more.

Darn it; check out, because they claim to have a solution if you live in a controlled country. Like I said they can be unreliable when it comes to delivery times; especially if you order on, or near the weekend.

However they are very honest and they do have a great product, so worth checking out.

There is a little chat box on the bottom right hand corner of the site; or you can mail them.

Good luck, let me know how it turns out.
