in #mobilephotography7 years ago

Why would Jehovah, in all His infinite wisdom allow these destructive creatures to live and exist among us? Why did God create such pests that ruin His own creation? In the sight of man, these pests are evil that destroys the crops which man has worked so hard for.

And man wonders why God allows these things to happen.

Contrary to God's infinite wisdom is the human's finite understanding of God's purpose as to why things should happen. We try to understand evil and understand God but we simply cannot.

This green amaranth plant or "kulitis" in Filipino has felt the harsh effect of being infested by bugs. Kulitis is a very delicious leafy vegetables full of vitamins and minerals and in fact is also called spinach. Yes, the one that Popeye eats to make him strong! But the infestation is devastating to the plant.

But what we need to remember is that God's plan for us is perfect and His plan is for us to prosper and succeed. Jer. 29:11

He has never intended to do harm to us. We are already doing it to ourselves. We have become "evil" on our own way and left God's protection, as what our first parents did in the Garden of Eden. It was our "freedom of choice" and the choice of Adam and Eve that led to their own destruction.

But before Adam and Eve and the creation of our world, evil already has crept through the ranks of angels in Heaven. Lucifer "chose" to blow the lights out and nurtured the darkness in his heart. He exercised his freedom to choose darkness rather than light.

So, did God create evil?

If God created all things, he must have created evil, as well, right? But like darkness, which is the absent of light, is not one someone creates. It is simply a condition brought about by the absence of light. And light, that is what God created. "Let there be light!" God never created darkness. He never created evil. And everything God created was "good". Evil is prevalent when good is absent. Evil ceases to exist when good prevails.

God created beings with freedom to choose because serving Him does not have to be an obligation, rather a choice to glorify their Maker and being grateful for the life given to them.

This "freedom of choice" is what God has created for man. A gift so that man does not become a slave or a robot in his decision making. As created beings just a little lower than the angels, we enjoy the same gift as the angels do. The idea of "freedom of choice" may be argued by many but it is only God who knows the real purpose of this gift.

Follow @cjclaro if you are into mobilephotography.


Hiii @cjclaro, very nice taking pics of plants but under attack very sad to see them in that condition. Any how very close shots you taken, art of photography. I like that. Keep it up.
Steem On,,,..!

Thanks @rabeel. It's hard to take a macro shot with mobile phone especially when you don't use a tripod. I will try to get a better photo close up in the future.

you always wellcome @cjclaro dear always hope for the best.

This is exemplary on many grounds but i will stay speechless for now.
Another way to learn about Jehovah is through creation.

May Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen.

I agree with you @surpassinggoogle

Thanks @surpassinggoogle. Your reply is louder than any number of words. Indeed, Jehovah speaks to us through nature and His love is clearly presented in His creation. Praise God through Jesus' name.

Your religion is Jehova? i didn't know that...

I come from a different sect but we do have the same God, whose one of the many names happen to be Jehovah, whom we serve. I find it more personal to address God by one of its many names when I pray to Him. When I praise Him in my prayers, I address Him with names like Adonai, Elohim, El Shaddai, and Jehovah. Each name tells about the character of God and how merciful and at the same time powerful He is.

He is a great God!

Great post, nice for sharing this content :)

My pleasure @miguelportela. Glad you can drop by 😎

Details about the plant is very good. How can we save your plants?

This is where God's wisdom is more manifested through the resilience of this plant. Despite the devastation, this plant continues to grow new young leaves. Another lesson we can learn through nature that any failure or setbacks should not deter us to continue living and praising the Lord God Jehovah.

The hope that nature so surely manifest is God's message for the hopeless. Let's move one ever onward. With God's grace.

I believe in the co-existence of things, where there is light, there is darkness, where there is despair there is hope, where there is life there is death. We only appreciate things if we are aware it will not last and will eventually be taken away. Light can not exist without darkness for in the darkest of times thus the light shines ever so brightly, we appreciate life because we all know we will at some time perish and return to the dust, we should not question God in His creations, we should learn to value what He has given us and learn to value everything while there is time. Have a blessed day.

You cannot say it more beautifully my friend. Well said and God bless you.

Nada fácil de digerir. Dios es el creador de todas las cosas. Y aunque directamente no creó el mal, sí lo hizo de forma indirecta, ya que es la única forma de contrastar con el bien.
Tengo este tipo de planta en mi casa, pero no sabía sus cualidades alimenticias.


There is always humor in every misfortune and if we are able to smile inspite of these unfortunate events, we should be Ok.

the human being is emotionally intelligent. always good face always smiles although there is sadness

El detalle, mi estimado amigo, es que hay muchas preguntas sin resolver, o simplemente no queremos admitir. Por ejemplo: ¿Quién creó a Lucifer? ¿Sabía DIos que se tornaría en un ser malvado? Si la respuesta es sí, entonces también sabía en lo que se convertiría y por ende, permitió que ocurriera. En cierta forma, es coautor de eso. No entendemos sus actos muchísimas veces, pero sabemos que cuando algo nos es quitado de l mano, es porque viene algo más grande que sujetar, pues Jehová bendice sobreabundantemente.

Too many times we disappoint ourselves by understanding why God allowed things to happen to us. And too often we fail to understand and eventually blame God of our misfortune. His ways are mysterious and no matter how we force to learn what God's purpose is, the best thing we can do is to surrender our lives to His will and believe that He wants the best for all of us. Easier said than done, but when we learn to let Jesus be the Captain of our ship, no storm is too strong for Him. He can calm any storm.

U taken such a great shots , keep posting

Thanks @spiritualpower. Will post more like these.

Nice pic! 😍 Upvoted & Followed!

I have nice pics to if have time can you upvote somethanks.

@jeromeafable35 Been through your photos and you got some stunning images there. Keep posting!

amazing post and amazing mobile photography ....
thanks for sharing

Thanks @abdullahzahid. Appreciate your kind comments 😎

what an interesting post... I liked the part about the kulitistis, how do you eat those? cooked?

Cooked or blanched either way they're nutritious. But the best way is to blend raw to make juice with apple or carrot or any blendable fruit.

Sometimes we humans forget that we are not the only beings on this planet, and that not everything is for us! We must share with all of God's creations as we are all part of the Earth. I can't wait to clean this place up again!

You got that right @farmandadventure. All creatures have their own purpose including us humans. We simply have to live with each other as harmoniously as possible.

Great job done friend , keep posting

Your words and pictures really say a lot. There are no creatures Jehovah created that weren't created to serve a purpose.Thanks for your words and pictures....Very glad this is one of the first posts i read since becoming a steemian....More grease to your elbow.