I dont get why they even have flashlght apps, on iphones there is a flashlight button when you slide up from the bottom ...also every android now has a built in flashlight button..and if it doesnt they all have camera apps with the ability too to hit that flash button if there is an LED flash in teh first place....
cant believe peopel still download flashlight apps
android is oo ubiquitos so much hacking! ipone really is harder to hack it really is ...jst like windows is just easier to hack because tere exists many many many hacing tools made for awindows...same with android now too...hard to make stuff for hacking iphones and if you can find some toosl for that theyre expensive...apple actvly goes out and tries to get teh most recent shadowbroker tools to try and stay current....
one of the benefits of having an iphone!
i think if ur serious about bitcoins u should be using trezzors or case or hardwave or paper walllets printed out with BIT ARMORY and NOT bitaddress lol
we just need more paper altcoins
a hardware bitcoin AND altcoin wallet would be the killer walet
Only the latest operating systems of androids have the flashlight app pre-installed so the reason for their popularity among the naive, used to have it myself was a little faster than pressing the flash on the camera..