you would THINK that GOOGLE would TEST apps...and that all that time it takes to get apps approved on the app store would fucking go towards maybe LOOKING FOR SHIT LIKE THIS?!?! Kind of PROOF that Google WANTS bitcoin users to get hacked! Big globalists corporations that feed of the US dolllar being printed are trying to slow the inevitable so they can maybe get more cash to buy more BTC! They are strying to save up enough cash so theyc an buy TC when they ned to switch or maybe they are slowly buying bTC now???
ok maybe google isnt working wth these shadow pbrokers but how could tehy let this shit slide why is googe allowing all of these low wuality malware apps to be released on their fucking platform!?!?!
I am glad i have an iphone and I know apple is alot more MUST protect its users or ther is no poiint using apple..they also give he illusion that the NSA cant soy on apple, its a joke, ttey just want the world to think apple is safe somehow, they lie about npt letting the NSA in, hah, benefit of having an ipone..
of course iphones can be hacked but the problem with andrpid is theres too many anroid devices, its bottom of the barrel, you get no choice, Apple iphone is ONE company its centarlzied, google android phones are just theres too many apps to keep track of, its so ubiquitos, so many android phones, there is some danger because of tat..hackers will look more into hacking android phones than they would iphone evcause theres just more android phonoes to hack...just dont get sloppy...i try to keep everthing on paper hand written no printers