Eat the Rich?

in #mmt6 years ago

I don't agree with the "eat the rich" thing. I get Why people feel that way, but this animosity will not fix anything. If anything the anger against the rich will cause the rich to react defensively. Wouldn't you? Ok, let's say that instead of being poor and struggling, you have a mansion and a few million in the bank, etc. When everyone around you starts eyeing you like a pack of rabid dogs what are you going to do? Shrug and give it all away to everybody? Or pull up stakes and move into a freaking castle with a moat around it?

I say instead of focusing on rich people we should focus on making our Federal Government eliminate suffering and poverty. Whether they got their wealth by doing bad things or not they don't really deserve to be super wealthy while so many suffer in poverty, but by focusing on building and helping rather than hurting and tearing down, we can change things for the better for everyone.

IMHO once no one is suffering in severe poverty anymore, as in everyone has their Basic Needs met, the wealth disparity between those at the bottom and those at the top will begin to naturally decrease. Without violence, without bloodshed, we can fix this nation.

How do we achieve this? Simple, make the Federal Government spend money for the Public Purpose, as they are Mandated to do by the Constitution, learn #MMT. And get rid of the Income Tax System, replacing it with #FairTax.

Oh, and please get rid of this stupid idea that no one will do anything with their lives if they don't Have to struggle to survive. Just think about what YOU would do if YOU don't have to struggle to survive. Are you having to fight off predators and go hungry for days at a time between kills of whatever you manage to hunt? Are you trekking across miles of difficult terrain to migrate with a herd of animals that you depend on?

Humanity has been on a constant journey to ease our lives, to find better ways to survive, to lessen our struggle, using Our Minds. We are Clever! Let's Put our heads together and Solve Poverty!