
While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam if this is the only type of content you post. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..

What is this? Is this the the Steem police? No it is a real thing ... It's new. Mlm and Cryptocurrency.... That's new. Who are you do you work for Steemit? Is there free speech here or not? Serious question.**** This comment pisses me off.
It is a thought police tactic. Can I talk politics? Law? Religious or lack thereof?
It is total bullshit. Seriously lame. Do I only post this stuff? No. So who the fuck are you? Why do you think you have power in a decentralized world? It is so pathetic...

They could ban all MLM talk. Yes, they could ban religious talk. Then political etc etc... Do you see the irony in/on a decentralized platform?

A better response would be ... I hate mlm... Multilevel. BUT that comment is full of irony also if you understand the building of STEEM... Correct?

Is my anger justified? Think long and hard Steem rat. 😜