On The 50th Anniversary Of MLK’s Death, Remember That The FBI Are Pure Scum

in #mlk7 years ago (edited)

A new Intercept article by George Joseph and Murtaza Hussain reports on never-before-seen documents obtained from the FBI via Freedom of Information Act by the civil rights groups Color of Change and the Center for Constitutional Rights. The FOIA request for FBI files pertaining to Black Lives Matter activism was answered with a stack of heavily-redacted documents revealing evidence of police stakeouts at the homes and vehicles of activists, as well as the use of police informants, with no mention of any potential crimes suspected of the people they were monitoring.

One such document is a report provided "for coordination with Monsanto" describing a single Black Lives Matter activist's plans to fly from New York City to Ferguson for a 2014 protest against racially motivated police brutality. The document covers the protesters' plans to begin their demonstration at a Monsanto factory, as well as money raised for protest materials and bail money, without a single visible mention of potential crimes or violence.

"Coordination with Monsanto." To protect them from Black Lives Matter protesters.

Welcome to the real face of the FBI.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has enjoyed an obscene resurgence in popularity among purportedly left-wing Americans lately as the current administration locks horns with them over the imperialist Russiagate psyop, but the FBI has never been the friend of anyone other than establishment power structures. The FBI does not exist to protect and serve the American people, and it certainly doesn't exist to protect the rights of black Americans to protest the violence of an increasingly militarized police force. The FBI exists to protect Monsanto, and all the other seats of real corporatist power in the United States.

Anyone who's been paying attention knows that this pattern of spying on Black Lives Matter protesters and pulling "black identity extremism" out of its ass as a serious domestic terror threat is not a new development for the FBI, but just the latest revelations in a continuing generations-long agenda to monitor and undermine activist groups in general and black civil rights groups in particular. As the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination approaches on April 4th, I think we should take a second to knock the FBI off its completely undeserved pedestal and remind everyone what they did to that great man.

I will probably be publishing this article later in the day than I would like, because I've kept having to take breaks to cry and sob and rant to my husband about what a brilliant light these bastards poured all their energy into snuffing out. The slightest bit of research into these waters brings up both luminous speeches by King and bright red rage-inducing documentation of the relentless campaign of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to destroy him, and while I've been aware of these things for a long time it's still gut wrenching to look at head-on.

Hoover, who headed the FBI for decades, despised King on a deeply personal level. He kept files on the civil rights leader in which he'd scribble hateful comments on memos he received about King, apparently for no purpose other than his own gratification and catharsis. On a memo about King receiving the St. Francis peace medal from the Catholic Church, he wrote "This is disgusting." On the news of King's meeting with the pope, he scribbled, "I am amazed that the Pope gave an audience to such a degenerate."

FBI headquarters still wears the name of this childish pig.

This CNN article describes how King was maligned in an FBI memo as the "most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country" after his legendary 1963 speech at the March on Washington, and how they convened a meeting of department heads to "explore how best to carry on our investigation [of King] to produce the desired results without embarrassment to the Bureau," which included "a complete analysis of the avenues of approach aimed at neutralizing King as an effective Negro leader."

Hoover personally requested wiretaps on King, which besides some dirt on his love life and an off-color joke about John F. Kennedy turned up nothing but evidence that he was every bit the kind-hearted peace soldier his supporters saw him as with no discrepancies between his public and private agendas. Despite this the FBI continued its attempts to smear and discredit King while withholding exonerating information about him, including from President Johnson, with Hoover publicly labeling King "the most notorious liar" in America in 1964.

This smear campaign hit its lowest point in the infamous "Suicide Letter", sent by the FBI and disguised as an anonymous letter from a fellow black rights activist. The letter wove hypnotic, repetitive language including five instances of the phrase “You are done” (and one of “You are finished”), six instances of the word “evil”, six of the word "fraud", five of "abnormal", and five references to King being “on the record" in with a recording of King's extramarital affair and a command for King to take his own life.

Again: the FBI, now celebrated by mainstream liberals as a defender of truth and democracy, performed a psyop on Martin Luther King, Jr. with the goal of making him commit suicide. This is a fact. This happened.

There are many theories about the circumstances that led up to King's death, many of them making the case for FBI involvement, but rather than trying to prove the unprovable here I will say this: at the very least, the Federal Bureau of Investigation did its very best to inflame public hatred of King, hatred which culminated in a hate-filled man putting a .30-06 bullet though King's body. Rather than use its knowledge of King's virtue to help rescue an apartheid state from racism and murder, the FBI spent years maligning one of history's brightest lights and weaponizing the public against him.

The FBI wanted King dead, as evidenced in the Suicide Letter. On April 4th, 1968, the FBI got its wish. Today, the FBI continues surveilling, infiltrating and plotting against black activist groups. Don't let the world forget this. Don't let them make a saint out of James fucking Comey. Don't let them rewrite history.

The FBI are pure scum. That is what they have always been, and it is what they are intended to be. They were never meant to be your allies, they are meant to defend power and stomp out the bright lights who oppose it. Remember this and never forget it.

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Martin Luther King Jr. did do some good things but there is a lot about him which has been covered up.

This is especially true when it comes to his connections to Communism. Not to mention the darker side of his life, where he was known as "Daddy King".

It is also important to note that Martin Luther King Jr. had a handler:

Excellent research. I've actually known most of these stuff. I personally see MLK as a mixed character (A comic book analogy would be something like Punisher/ Deadpool or Suicide Squad). My problem is with the way his image is distorted only taking one part into consideration. I've extensively written about this here: https://steemit.com/psychology/@vimukthi/the-edit-is-mightier-than-the-pen-understanding-media-distortions-through-fake-movie-trailers

Here is an example:

The problem is that the Anti-communist government acted much like commies too. I watched http://www.untoldhistory.com by Oliver Stone and it was quite evident that cold war (and even today) US government was acting pretty much like soft-communist state.

You've presented a series of extremist material here that reflects the despotism of the anti-communist movement. How dare people share views advocating increasing the extent of collective ownership of the state/the people/the owners. Looks like there's a few here punching down because they feel threatened by Caitlin's work. Projecting the accusation of "leftist totalitarianism" by framing anything opposed to the plutocracy is extremist and inherently totalitarian.

I'm not a communist - I don't delegitimise people's opinion from the right if it's not delegitimising the opinions of others on subjective basis. There are practically no people on the net advocating communism except for a tiny minority of actual communists, however it is common to see the label being applied to anyone to the left of Genghis Khan. I'm going to call out this as extremism when I see it. These extremists are just going to have to get used to defending the indefensible in their efforts to fully retain and extend the spoils of colonialism and imperialism.

Sure I follow @caitlinjohnstone because I agree with a lot of the things she posts.

I happen to agree with @stefan.molyneux on the issue of Martin Luther King Jr.

Didn't realize @stefan.molyneux was considered an extremist, by people who are supposedly part of the alt-media.

Stefan isn't particularly balanced either, he'd happily frame me as a leftist totalitarian and I've never seen him acknowledge the existence of left leaning libertarians. That's not to say that he's not on point with his criticisms of warmongers corrupting democracy, I appreciate that, but I often feel marginalised and delegitimised by things he has to say.

Being an economic extremist does go hand in hand with criticising warmongers. We all agree it's a waste of money, but Stefan and many others who generically conflate "leftists" with Clintonites are extremely insulting. Clintonites are neoliberals and/or idiots. I'm not going to concede that they have successfully co-opted the left despite the MSM and parts of the right claiming this is the case. Clinton would have won if this were the case. It's all too damn convenient and opportunistic for the ruling class to use financial clout to systematically silence the voices of those opposed to right wing economics.

Stefan also partakes in identity politics as an antagonist with predictable results. Over egged responses are called out by left leaning libertarians - Kyle Kulinski does a good job of this. But again, it appears too convenient for identity politics antagonists to generate division based on prejudice, sucking the air out of the real struggle MLK helped identify, that of class.

Suzie Dawson @Suzi3D lays out a good analysis of this type of strategy here starting:

"This was the doctrine employed against Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela, among countless others."

If I were to accuse every person with right wing views as being plutocratic warmongers, I'd be being dishonest and absolutely disrespectful. One thing that can't be denied is the presence of plutocratic ruling class trying to co-opt the anti-war right in the same way Clintonites are doing to the actual left.

We've got to look out for each other, part of that is accepting different views of how we incentivise our work force, including people out of work, people whose usefulness is redundant or hasn't been discovered and those who don't work for wages as such. I think a line needs to be drawn to ensure everyone's survival of whatever economic system we choose to enact. That does not mean ponies for everyone.

Somewhere between all of us is the right answer.

So was he good or bad? You seem a little confused?

Read the material, make your own decision.

Get past needing corporate media to spoon feed you what is good and what is bad.

What do you think i'm doing here! I have already read that material before. Do you know where that material came from? The FBI....Oh the irony

Don't pull a muscle.

definitely needs more public oversight, these government institutions have too much power

Great little expose about what the FBI actually did (and continues to do).

And if the FBI are pure, unadulterated scum, then the CIA are putrid, toxic scum.

While the FBI's involvement in the assassination of MLK may be unproven, the CIA's involvement in the assassinations of various leaders around the world is a well-known fact.

The FBI? Wouldve thought 17 intelligence agencies agreed on MLK ;)

These is informative, I do really appreciate this article👍...

Never again