Anyone knnows why Humans have a much longer Lifespan than other Bigger mammals?

in #misteries6 years ago (edited)


i mean cmon!
African Elephant 50 year
Jiraffe 20-28 years
Horses 25-30 years
Dogs 10-28 years
Cats 16-38 years
Mouse 2-4 years
Polar bears 25-40 years
Rhinos 35-40 years

i mean, i have Buried more than 10 dogs for old age already
anyone know why Humans Homo Sapiens Sapiens, have such a long lifespan, even larger mammals who youve think would last hundreds of years last only 35-50years

i mean you wouldnt find it rare to find 100 year old people walking on the streets, even the record wikipedia show 120 year lifespans on humans , could it be that we where created by Aliens?