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RE: City of Misfits

in #misfit6 years ago (edited)

So you tell Valorie you’ll go out in Santa Monica Friday night but then Chad invites you to a show in Hollywood that same night, so you just bail on Valorite like an hour before, because Santa Monica is too far and the show will be way more fun anyways. And it’s totally socially acceptable! If you did that shit in NY, you’d have no friends.

People in my state seem to love to hate people from California. Perhaps the perceived 'flakiness' has something to do with it. They also like to complain that rich Californians are "buyin' up all the land!"

Some of their disdain is completely unfounded I am sure. There was recently a study that determined Montana drivers are the worst in the country (something I agree with and have been trying to tell people for years). I heard multiple Montanans comment about how it was because of all the Californians who moved here and they are the ones driving poorly and giving the rest of us a bad name. I would think that for that to be true, California drivers, paradoxically, would have had to rank worse than Montana drivers to begin with. But, it is hard to argue with people when xenophobia is involved.


Oregonianslove this too.. but honestly a lot of us do the same shit. Its just slightly different based on what you're used to.

Yeah, the west coast is a lot more laid back overall compared to the east coast, but that's why I love it! Just took some getting used to. Californians definitely get a bad rap, and everyone here blames it on all the transplants from other states haha.