
Thanks! Took me a few tries to clue in. I xhecked out the link and video. Do you know how or where i can see my BAT tokens accumulating? I have no idea if i have an account or not! Been using Brave browser a few weeks now.

Glad to hear Ceici is staying in contact. Sounds like crazy rules regarding cash withdrawals from the bank. I saw 'fair trade organic Nicaraguan' coffee beans today. Made me think hmmm, really??!! Is this even possible in a country so destabailized right now. Thanks so much for connecting @phoenixwren 😺

Maybe they were beans from before it went so haywire there? Or maybe the fair trade cert isn't the greatest... or it hasn't been updated, like, with an inspection, since before the mayhem.
If you open a new tab on brave, there is a gear icon on the bottom right that should take you to your various settings pages. One of them is Brave Rewards, where you can check out your balances, and turn on/off your ad settings and contributions.