in #minnowswarm11 months ago

tl;dr: You allow it to to trigger votes on your behalf for other members when you havent voted for a while, its fully automated, it only runs when youre away.

Find out how to join here: https://som.lan.247420.xyz

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(Image not shown due to low ratings)

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

Congratulations @minnowswarm! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - November 2023 Winners List
Be ready for the December edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2023

Congratulations @minnowswarm! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 100 HP on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 3 badge
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - November 2023 Winners List
Be ready for the December edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2023

Link to the previous post 1
Link to the previous post 2
Link to the previous post 3

Reposting previous posts or parts of them without significant additional original content/changes is considered fraud and exploitation of the "Hive Reward Pool".
Please refrain from copying and pasting previous posts going forward.

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