List of activities between Sun Feb 03 00:00:00 - Sun Feb 10 00:00:00
These stats are made available to support fighting MSP abuse and it highlights users with potential suspicious behaviours. Part of the #minnowsupportproject is an upvote bot, free of charge for all members. The upvotes are nothing to get excited about but more meant like a "pat on the back" for new Steemians starting out.
But the problem is that people are trying to abuse the bot, by using multiple accounts, or upvoting plagiarised or lousy content. Listed posts below are from those who used the @minnowsupport bot. The stats below are divided into three categories. If you find yourself tagged you might want to consider your behaviour.
Posts below are from the last 7 days but delayed by 24h to allow for actions from Cheetah and Steemcleaners.
Created by @danielsaori -- @dorabot's personal trainer...
Cheetah/Steemcleaners Downvotes
This is the most severe of the three categories. Receiving a downvote/flag from @cheetah or @steemcleaners is normally associated with some serious spamming or plagiarism. The number of false positives in this category is pretty low, so if you want to save your reputation and avoid being banned, get an understanding of what is wrong and fix it.
Low reputation
Any account with a reputation lower than 15 will be tagged here. There could be a valid explanation why your reputation is so low, but for most users, having a reputation below 15 is far from normal...
There is a built-in block mechanism in @minnowsupport that prevents voting on low reputation accounts. It means that any account in this category have had a drop in reputation since the bot vote.
Hope you enjoyed the stats!
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karenmckersie (71) · 5 minutes ago
Can you please message me back and send the card back to me as a gift, and I ill refund your money to you! Thanks! I did a post about it before i realized who bought it on peakmonsters!
Here is the amount from my wallet that was paid:
5 hours ago Received 0.064 STEEM from steemmonsters sm_market_sale:48de989431937f4d9523cc7ea84e97f4981e0987-0:dorabot Hi its @karenmckerise , you @dorabot purchased a card on the Steem Monsters market About 5 hours ago , which was put up by mistake some how by Steem monsters market ! I was selling 8 SINGLE Sea Geinies FOR 0.02 cents each and some how my maxed out level 10 Sea Genie got put up for sale along with the single ones!! I would never ever sell that card, let alone sell it for only 2 cents, it was an obvious mistake that I just noticed, I am very careful when I sell cards so I have no idea how this happened! im very upset about this!