A minnow walks up to the minnow doctor and says "Doc, it hurts when I go like this!" Doc says to the minnow "Don't go like that!"
I'm Dr. Aggroed and I'll be your minnow instructor today
Ok, all funniness aside let's take a second to talk about our goals as a minnow, what works, and what doesn't. Then let's put a plan together to graduate you out of Minnow 101 into Dolphin 101.
So, what's our number 1 goal as a minnow? TO STOP BEING A MINNOW!!!
Answer this question for yourself and then I'll share my answer afterwards (no peaking)
What are the three most important ways to evaluate if you're still a minnow?
Here are my answers, and I'm betting you had something different.
- A little platform knowledge
- Follower Count
- Stem Power
Ok, so technically, the consensus defintion of a minnow is 5k Steem power or less, but that's actually the least important of those. Follower count is a much more sustainable answer because now instead of catching one random upvote you now have the potential to get a steady stream of upvotes and resteems. But in order to get those followers you have to have some platform knowledge. So, here's the plan. I'm going to impart some knowledge, you're going to use that to capture followers, and you're going to use that to break the 5kSP barrier and enter dolphin status.
What you're probably doing wrong!
"Aggroed, I'm really frustrated. I just spent 2 hours on this post. It only got 5 views. 3 upvotes. and earned $0.01 cents. This place will only pay 1 cent for my 2 cents."
I hear that a bunch. Minnows are frustrated because their posts aren't getting the attention. My answer may sound counterintuitive to some, but you know what... Don't do that. Don't spend all your time writing long posts. You need more skills than you probably have to make them great. So, it's not a waste of time, but you're not going to earn that much.
But Doc, if I'm not authoring how am I supposed to gain followers, Steem Power, and get out of Minnowdom?
Class, I'd like you to meet @sacred-agent. Come up the front of the room Sacred. Sacred is a 60 year old gent. He's done a little trading here and there. He's somewhat familiar with the crypto landscape. He's been here 2 weeks. Tell them how you're doing sacred.
"Wait, what the shit Aggroed. That 60-year old guy has been here 2 weeks, started with no steem and no followers, didn't bring over an audience and now has 200+ followers and almost $1k steem?" pause... "HOW THE HOLY FUCK DID HE DO THAT?"
First off, please watch your language in here as it's a public setting. More importantly though he followed a different strategy to start.
Rather than writing long articles no one read. He made comments, found his way on discord, chatted with people in steemit chat, and built a small community that way. Because he's commenting on articles he likes he finds people that he already shares commonality with. Because a lot of them were minnows they were happy to drop a follow because they were so happy to have someone comment on their post, and after a little bit of that when he did post he suddenly already had an audience of 200 people.
Next up, he's going to write a "How I gained 200+ followers in just two weeks" milestone post, and he'll be riding the gravy train on that!
Knlowedge piece 1. focus on comments
Yup, it may seem counter intuitive on the blogging platform, but the fastest way to gain followers is comment thoughtfully on others posts. what's a good comment look like? Let me write a quick fake one.
"Hey @aggroed. Sweet piece you just wrote on minnow 101. I'm brand new here and I found you through your post on talking about steemit like I'm 5. I really appreciate what you're doing. I also saw on your wall that you write satire. Here's some of my satire on my witness run. Maybe you'll check it out! https://steemit.com/satire/@aggroed/satirically-yours-aggroed-promises-to-be-a-better-witness-than-the-8-dead-witnesses-above-him-on-the-list"
Boom, that guy sounds intersting, thoughtful, looked at my wall, and deserves an upvote, possibly a resteem, and maybe even a follow. This guy won't.
"Nice post."
With this knowledge it's time to collect followers
Try this for a week or two. Post comments on tons of other peoples posts. Find gifs, memes, news articles to share. Think of it like you're providing a service. If you're doing it for a minnow you could catch a follow and a friend. If you're doing it for a whale you might catch an upvote. Seriously, 1 upvote from a whale for a meme could be worth up to $14 or so. That's probably 200 time more than you'll make on your posts if you start that way. So, stop writing the long thing no one reads and start working on the thing that's actually gonna help you.
Level up
Got knowledge? Check!
Got comments? Check!
Earned followers? Check!
Now post. Check!
What comes next?

Please vote for me for Witness!

or my new channel PALnet- https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw

Helpful article. You have my vote.
Hello @aggroed
Even though it was the points you listed here that helped get up to 3000+k Steem Power, i tend to forget sometimes and slip back towards writing long posts.
That is why i stopped writing posts all the time and met up with other steemains and Interacted with them.
With that I was able to interview Reputable steemians like @papa-pepper and @kingscrown on my Blog Interview series called The Rainmakers, my guest for next week is @good-karma.
Looking from a distance as a minnow you may feel that people won't have time for you, but when you come close you will find out that they are more friendlier than you think.
Thanks for this @aggroed, I have 27 Witness votes left and I just gave you one.
Thanks a ton! Hope this helps and looking forward to working with you soon!
Hey @aggroed. Sweet piece you just wrote on minnow 101. I'm brand new here and I found you through your post on talking about steemit like I'm 5. I really appreciate what you're doing. I also saw on your wall that you write satire. Here's some of my satire. Maybe you'll check it out! https://steemit.com/funny/@rymlen/7xq6pj-funniest-meme-of-the-day
@rymlen Haha - I thought of writing this for a laugh but figured someone else must have already. Love that @aggroed gives such great tips and take the time to explain things in such a humourous way.
@aggroed Thank You so much not only for highlighting me in this post but also REALLY helping me in the discord chat room with questions I felt were insurmountable & I just couldn't figure out !!
Sorry it's taken me awhile ( in my early 60's remember ) to write this response here but some readers may want to look at my earlier responses to You on my latest post below...
(( still need to learn how to embed web links ))
I REALLY heaped a lot of praise on You & Your friends @ausbitbank & @teamsteem in the comment section of my post...
AGAIN... Thank You so MUCH... I was really getting VERY frustrated & then You helped me...
Have a Great Weekend... ALL=ways...
EZPZ. You're great and this is a great story!
In a way, it kind of good that it takes some time (and work) to build up steem power. No instant gratification here, thus will keep around those with a little were with all and grit. My kind of people :-)
no doubt!
Nice post. It resembles my very short existence so far here on steemit. I, rather than post, really just like meeting others and commenting here and there. It is a daily habit of mine to do this and so far I'm stoked with the results. You make some great points with building a following through commenting and being engaged with the community. It's nice to have some reinforce my mind set and what I enjoy thus far here. I do however feel that blogging and posting should be a part of everyone's time here and often wonder if one would lose followers based on "not" providing content at some point? Any thoughts? Enjoyed. up voted.
do them all, but one of the fastest ways to succes is minnows comment, dolphins author, and whales curate
Hi Aggroed. This is off topic, hopefully you can answer my question. In my wallet the is a sum of SP in brackets below the SP with dropdown menu. Can you please tell me what that is? I dont see others with 2 SP values - one in brackets. Thanking you in advance.
Delegated SP. Steemit inc I think is still giving you a little support. Thats my guess without digging in.
Well, I suppose I'm on the right track and for me it feels right. It's also enjoyable. I'm just a lolely' ole' minnow trudging my way along but I don't really look at it like this. I see myself as someone lucky enough to have stumbled across this community and to have become a part of it. It's interesting to me all the talk about becoming rich over night. I guess it's built into our society with the lightning fast I want it now mentality. I think people should just kick back and enjoy it for what it is and make some like minded new friends. Just believe and enjoy.
I want to thank you for all your great post,articles!
I am struggling with this social network thing, I am anti social,and as you know trying hard to learn this stuff!
I love this platform, It is encouraging me to be a better person and be more socially involved. you are a great mentor, and I hope that one of these days I can be as productive and contribute as much as you have to the personal growth of the community! .. I appreciate all your hard work and your insight,even if I struggle to adapt to this new environment,and force myself to change and challenge my limits! It is people like you that are going to make it worth while!
Thanks Jesse. Glad to have you in the PALnet discord room!
just a cactus trying to find room to grow...don't mean to prick anyone ... :-)
Good one!
a great lesson for me ...thank you
Ya dude! Thanks for checkin' it out!
Hey it's my brother steemitqa!!! I'm not surprised you liked that. Thanks for reading!
The Mozart of Chess: Magnus Carlsen and The Sims 1: Don`t you miss it?You do a remarkable job with your minnow support project. Really appreciated that. Thank you for your nice comments for my article from the previous post @aggroed This time I want to offer two of my posts
Great. I'll make a new post on Monday and you can put in the comments there!
I really enjoyed while reading this! Thank you <3
sure thing!
So good @aggroed, thank you for this! Awesome to see the success @sacred-agent created, that's exciting. Looks like it's time for me to discover steemspeak. I've seen discord mentioned but haven't had a chance to explore it yet. And if you'd be so kind to answer the random newbie minnow question of the day how do I vote you for a witness? So want to support you and your work but I'm not sure how to do it. Hope you have an awesome weekend and thanks again!
Thanks for your comment. Click this link. https://steemit.com/~witnesses scroll under the list of 50. Add the name aggroed in the box. Thanks for your support!
You're so welcome, thanks for your help, just voted for you!
Obviously i'm just messing with you @aggroed. Seriously great post and thank you for pointing out @Sacred-Agent.
I like your style @aggroed - I look forward to reading your posts 👍
Among the humour are some great points

Thanks boss!
This post was a reminder to me that you've got to INVEST IN PEOPLE. I've done some of the things suggested, but perhaps not enough. Honestly, also, sometimes scratch my head over the three types of Steem money, and I do want to manage that with the long-term in mind.
Great post. Encouraging, informative & thoughtful.
Hey @aggroed - as a newbie here your post was a help to understanding the steemit culture a bit. Thanks for the insight.
No problem! Thanks for stopping by and checking it out!
Excellent post @agroeed, will keep reading you post. :) +1 follow
Glad you liked it!!!! Thanks for following!
Thanks for helping newcomers like me @aggroed! I have been around for about three weeks, and have already released some open-source mac software for the steemit community! I hope you'll check it out... I've released daily updates accompanied by a steemit article since I released it 4 days ago, but here is the original project announcement article:
I really want to get this into the hands of mac owners in the steemit community, because I think it's a really good tool for them to have. If there's anything you can do to help me with that goal I'd be very appreciative!
I'll check it out. Thanks for posting. Welcome to steemit!
Thanks! Here is also the latest update because a lot has changed in 4 days since I released it!
I'm definitely working on implementing some of these strategies.More great advice @aggroed! Way to go @sacred-agent! Great job
@jdawg Hi Dawg... sorry for the delayed response... just a very busy AND Good day, Thanks to @aggroed.
I hope Everyone at least considers voting for @aggroed as a witness here... https://steemit.com/~witnesses
You will need to write in his name at the bottom of the list and IF you are looking for maybe 2 more people to Vote for... @aggroed highly recommended 2 other Great Steemians @ausbitbank & @teamsteem...
@ausbitbank is currently #30 on the list and @teamsteem You will need to write in his name at the bottom of the list.
(( Please pass along these suggestions for Witnesses to others here on Steemit ))
Have a Great Weekend Dawg !!
Lemme know your results!
So can I copy and paste your example above and be a dolphin tomorrow? :))
I have so much of nothing going on I'm always busy. Maybe I need a better plan. Thank you for the advise . Now to find the Brain and see what we are doing tomorrow.
Might take at least two days
Rats!! I have no waiting skills. :))
Nice post as always yo. always enjoy the homour. I guess I need to work on my steemit comment game! I'm jealous of the old guy. And i'm going to follow him now haha!
I really appreciate everything you're doing to help newcomers like me come up. Much love to you!!

My pleasure. Doin' my best! You can pay me back with upvotes, resteems, and witness votes!
already done!! even have you on autovote :) using steemvoter
Good times! Did you reset the values ahead of HF19? They should be 25% or less by the time it gets implemented in the next week or two.
Yeah, for sure. It's fun. thanks for reading and I hope you found it helpful!
I just started Pixel Art Weekly, a weekly pixel art contest that runs from Mon to Friday, with Sat & Sun open to voting.
It may be to late to get in on this, in which case I'll try again next week. However, if it's not too late...this week, as of writing this, there is only a single contestant and she also happens to be a brand new member. It would be awesome to get some flow on this post to jack up her prize...it would be one amazing "Welcome to Steemit"
I hope you consider sharing....
Sorry....I found three different posts about this so I replied to each one.... Wasn't sure which one I was supposed to comment on.
You've got my first witness vote! I really like the vibe you put out in your posts. It's a combination of humour, playfulness and authority. You are really enriching this community, so i want to sincerely thank you for this.
Rock on. That gets a follow. hope to see you in Discord!
Thanks, i'll definitely join Discord
I was able to relate myself totally with this post and was laughing all the way scrolling down reading it. Good one. I'm a minnow. You helped me. Thanks a lot pro 😂
<3 You're worth it!
Thanks again @aggroed - great read and tips. Now to start implementing them. :)
Let me know how they work. If you have some good success you might find yourself featured in an article.
@aggroed Sure will keep you posted. :) Thanks
@aggroed, great writing style and appreciate the candor. Another big plus with a focus on comments initially is:
I would suggest a second critical "Knowledge piece" - HAVE FUN!
Great reply!
Great post aggroed. I'm looking forward to talking with you in chat. I love dolphins, can't wait to reach that goal! Resteemed.
Thanks!!! I'm posting another content on Monday. Maybe you'll have some content ready to put down in there.
I'm looking forward to it.
Enjoyed READING! Thanks 📍
perfect timing! a much needed encouragement for a newbie trying to find their way around the 'neighborhood' without tripping over my own shoelaces and looking like a prat in front of all the cool kids 😉 i'll take your pointers to heart in the coming weeks
Gimme an update when you have some success. Mark where you're at now and tell me roughly what you did and how it changed. You could be the focus of a future story!
cool! i'm finding the learning curve a little steeper than i expected (i've been spoiled by facebook 😉) and there's a number of things i still have figure out to do but this 'old dog' is always willing to learn some new tricks 😎
cool good advice . now i wish i was 60 years old :)
I am greatful fo this post. I just join steemit and got approved today. And have no clue what to do or how to do it lol. This post has informed me to some degree so thank you it will help me in the near future I'm sure of it. 😀
Great comment. Welcome to steemit. I have a wall of steemit tips for users like yourself. Check it out!
Epic!! +1 Fallower(s) due to quick response. 😎
Good post following a really bad joke. Up voted and following.
classic doctor humor tho. Thanks for your support and glad to have you here!
And if a light goes off, take the idea and make it viral, if it won't work, let me know to stop promoting it :-)
sorry for the long tag, If you only read 1, make it the Why not steembook.com I will eliminate after I get some do or die feedback, Thanks@aggroed you are the most Articulate person I know here, could you please read the following....
Great words of wisdom @aggroed.
"Ah, listen up young
grasshopperminnow."I'd tell you how I appreciate what you are doing for minnows but you just told yourself that and I think I told you that last time.
Are you doing the resteem contest again this week? I searched but couldn't find any info except about the last time you did this. You told me the deadline was Monday or Tuesday? I just want to know so I don't miss it this time. Even if I don't win it'd be nice to get another whales attention cause I write decent shit sometimes. ;-)
It's every monday.
Ok, I'll see if I can finish this post in time. X-D
Great advice here, @aggroed. I will be following and trying to implement these things.
RESPECT (fist bump) @aggroed
You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "minnowsupportproject" TAG (hashtag)
click here!This post received a 62% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @aggroed! For more information on @randowhale
Dead witnesses sign no blocks...
Thanks for the information post! I think that perhaps I might be on the right track as a minnow. I enjoy commenting on posts that I like and interacting with people on here. I just have to remember to stay out of the political posts that I see, I don't want to be perceived as a troll. I'd rather write about the things that I enjoy than argue with people over differences of opinion.
Hi @aggroed, very useful information there! I just have one question though the content I post is literature and currently am publishing the story of my life which in itself are long posts which tell a story, I'm also in the process of writing a piece of fiction I'm going to post in tv show sized episodes, my question is when my content is literature how can I attract support when all the guides suggest I shouldn't write long posts? Thanks in advance.
Start by making comments. I have a variety of guides pinned in the discord room.
Ok so maybe hold off on my actual content until I have commented on other peoples content first then?
I think that's a lot faster. You'll get followers and when you finally post someone will read it.
Ok thanks for the advice I'll give it a go and continue writing in the background but not post any of it untill i have increased my follower base. Thanks. I'm still quite new to all this.
Join there and meet some folks that are on the same journey
Thank I joined that, thanks for the help, steemit can be a little daunting :D
Do you think I should start like a side project in English just for Steemit?
Very informative post @aggroed I have a question though. Kinda off topic, but I am interested in your opinion. I am a singer-songwriter and the main focus in my music is mostly lyrics that are written in my mother tongue - Croatian. So my question is, do you think it makes sense to post about my music since not so many users are able to understand it. I write translation of them as well, but it's just not the same I think (for example posts like this: https://steemit.com/music/@mikisolus/piano-rap-music-from-croatia or https://steemit.com/music/@mikisolus/miki-solus-first-time-acting-and-writing-music-for-child-s-play-got-great-reviews-publishing-ep) I voted for you btw :)
Post rewards will be highest in English for a while I believe.
Thanks for this post, I'll be reading the rest of your blog. I'm still new and got a lot to learn. I wrote some articles, you might be interested in reading and liking. So check out @drakos
Thank you for the helpful advice! Being new here can be extremely overwhelming. Definitely taking this into account!
That is what i am gonna say
I am Rich bi***h
This post was magnificent and I'm glad I saw it. Yes, I'm in that same situation right now, almost 2 weeks here and I thought I've done everything. Thank you.
click on.
Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please
Upvoting for informative content and fun memes/gifs. Did you create those gifs? They slay.
Hey @aggroed I am very interested in what you are conveying, right now I may be on the right track with you. I have to brainstorm and discuss great things for our common progress. you are a great mentor. It encourages me to be a better person and more socially involved.