Global warming a threat to humanity

in #minnowsupport6 years ago

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Global warming is an excessive increase of the atmospheric temperature as a result of the high rate of emissions of greenhouse gases, living organisms including humans needs a very conducive environment to survive, but it is becoming very scary if our globe is still conducive enough for us and some many other species as the result of global warming, the ecosystem, the economy, the health and environment are all together under threat of global warming.
In this article I will outline some of the natural and human causes of global warming, I will also point out some of the effects it poses on the living organisms and the environment, in this article I will also suggest some measures that can be taken to minimize global warming and heal our globe again.


Volcanic eruption: this can bring about the explosion of the mountain heats into the atmosphere thereby increasing the amount of the atmospheric heat.
Decomposition of organic matters by bacteria: this process takes place under oxygen-starved condition (anaerobic decomposition) as also in rice paddies.


  • Human activities has contributed mostly in global warming ranging from industrial activities, burning of fuels and more, let's go to it in detail
    The emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere:images (23).jpegthere is no gadget in use today that does not went through the industrial production processes and in the quest to meet to the high demand of electronic devices and gadgets industries makes use of heavy machines in the process of producing them and this process thereby causes the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide which react with the atmospheric heats to increase the temperature, mining process and the burning of coal for electricity generation is also responsible for the emission of carbon dioxide
  • The emission of carbon monoxide from vehicles:

A relatively small part of combustion gas is undesirable, noxious, or toxic substances, such as carbon monoxide (CO) from incomplete combustion, hydrocarbons (properly indicated as CxHy, but typically shown simply as "HC" on emissions-test slips) from unburnt fuel, nitrogen oxides (NOx) from excessive combustion by the increasing number of vehicles in the world today

  • Methane emission from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies and from Arctic Seabeds.
    When organic matters is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved condition ( anaerobic decomposition) as in rice paddies, methane is produced, the process also takes place in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increase in the amount of concentrated livestock production, the level of methane released into the atmosphere is increasing. Another source of methane is methane clathrate a compound containing large amount of methane crystal structure of methane escapes from the Arctic Seabeds, the rate of global warming will increase significantly.
  • Deforestation:yaP0E5.gif
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    The trees are natural gift from nature to beautify the environment and not just that it reduces the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide when they uses it for photosynthesis, but the desire for the various woodworks, pulp for making paper works and, the clearing of Forest for either agricultural farming, building of houses or for construction of companies and industries, deforestation whis is defined as the felling of trees by human beings for any of the above mentioned reasons, this process of deforestation increase the rate of desertification and the high amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Usage of chemical fertilizer on crop plant
    In recent years farmers has introduced the using of fertilizer on crop plant over the usage of organic manures, some of the fertilizer are very rich in nitrogen oxide which have 300 times more heat trapping capacity per unit than carbon dioxide.

There are numerous and adverse effects of global warming and they includes;

  • Rise in Sea level: the excess atmospheric temperature is causing melting of the two massive poler ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland especially in the east coast of Us, the rise in Sea level poses the threat of displacing millions of people from there settlements, the Maldives is an already existing example thanks to the rise in Sea level.
  • More killer storms: like hurricane which damages lives and property which can cause the government millions of dollars to put in place thereby affecting the economic growth and development of the globe.
  • Massive crop failures: when the climate changed it effects the product of the farm, and crops cannot grow under the species of higher temperature, desertification also contributed in the lack of fertile agricultural lands.
  • Wildspread extinction of species: so many animals cannot adapt to a high temperature and thereby the animals disappear, just like earth megafauna animals.
  • Afforestation
  • Recycling of wasted
  • Minimize the rate of industrial burning of
    fossil fuels and mining operations.
    Having come to this reality that the earth maybe very harsh to the incoming generations because of global warming if nothing is done about it, it therefore calls for the effort of every human being and world government to work towards healing this sick world.

Good job on the article. Keep up the good work. Another steemer you may want to follow who just started is @columbiasc

Thank so much i am encouraged.