Minnow Support Project Weekly Resteem Contest Winners!

Minnow Support Project Weekly Resteem Contest Winners!!!

Thanks to everyone who submitted!!!

This Week's Winner!!!

Experiences and Advice After First Month on Steemit by @nostone-unturned

This Week's Runner Ups!!!


Minnow Support Project: a great community ideal for the new Steemians by @hevictor

How Mainstream Media Hacks Our Perception by @distillationsbl

Steemit Contests: are you the giver or the receiver? by @marpemusic

Newbie help - 20 Steem connected sites and apps you need check out by @wizardave

6 Things To Prove You Are A Lazy Steemit Blogger by @neupanedipen

New Rules!!!

All posts looking to enter the resteem contest can have their payout doubled if they win by posting through mspsteem.com and also use the tag "mspsteem."

Typically 6 users are given resteems and 5 Steem/week for their participation. Going forward if they volunteer to use mspsteem.com and the tag mspsteem they will get double the Steem for winning.

Also, we're more heavily curating people that use both mspsteem.com and the use the tag mspsteem.

You will start catching random upvotes and resteems from MSP by using mspsteem.com and the tag mspsteem when posting.

About mspsteem.com

mspsteem.com is managed by the Minnow Support Project with the key point person being @netuoso. The program includes a 5% beneficiary, which means that 5% of post rewards are returned to the account @minnowsupport in order to help more minnows.

mspsteem.com is a clone of "condensor", which is the exact same program that the steemit.com website uses to interact with the Steem blockchain.

To login simply go to mspsteem.com and enter in your private posting key (on steemit.com you can check under your wallet, click permissions, then click show private key and use that to login to mspsteem.com.

As an aside, you should be using your private posting key to login every day instead of your master account password as much as you can when you log into any instance of condenser).

Minnow Support is Recruiting! Check out This Post to find out how MSP can help you!

"Give a minnow an upvote and they'll eat for a day. Give a minnow a resteem and they'll eat forever." Ancient Steemit Proverb.

Thank you for supporting The Minnow Support Project!


That's a very cool initiative.But i think now what is going in steemit that is not going to be good for steemit.com.Because the minnows needs suport from the whales,but they are not doing that.So lots of new comers are getting frustrated and the whales are abusing their voting power.They are upvoting not on the merit of the post,but who has post that they are upvoting the post on basis of that.If steemit wants to grow as a community then the whales have to change their attitude.Here is a kind of monopoly is going in steemit.If steemit wants to survive then the whales have to support the minnows.Thanks for the post.Help this comment to reach to the whales.@upvoted@resteemed


I wish my upvote was worth more than $0.00... but no whales ever upvote me partly for reasons you outlined.

One more problem is most of the whale doesn't read our comments totally.How good content we provide that doesn't reach to them.

I wonder how the SteemIt community can give Whales incentive to support Minnows.

What current incentives is anybody aware of?

very difficult to begin with putting out good content and trying to get it seen by people that can help your platform grow so that you can put out even more good content! I can't tell you how many posts I've made in the short time I've been here that were decent posts, but got either no rewards or $0.01!

That said I do appreciate the upvotes from people with little voting power because it at least means someone may have looked at what I made and liked it! It does make it dificult to justify spending the right amount of time on a post to have it actually be quality content.

These are just my thoughts on the subject. It's too easy to become bitter after so long of watching society collapse into a sh** pile because of bullys that have succeeded far to often by ravaging the lives of others. This place might be a step in changing that if we don't choose to allow it to happen again. Only time will tell I suppose. :)

1 unfucker badge.png
Hi @rupok :) I agree that it is This is one reason why the people at the PAL discord group and @mspsteem suggest you don't begin by creating really involved posts! Lol. For this reason I feel that the minnow support project is attempting to address exactly what your concerns are! They are good people who've done well on #Steemit who are trying very hard to increase visibility of other good people who are just beginning in their endeavor to add value to the platform so that it will grow in the right way to have it succeed! Most likely, the people you are finding yourself frustrated by have so much (in the way pf resources) that they don't care near as much if this platform succeeds. But I've seen many doing a lot to help minnows grow on Steemit! It really is worth the time in IMHO to listen to the radio shows they do at PAL and for the @minnowsupport Project, and to get involved with the initiatives and conversations they are having before you give up on contributing to the platform! #UnFucker

good post

I love your project

Wow, congratulations to the winners, thanks @minnowsupport for informing us about mspsteem.com and the tag.

"Give a minnow an upvote and they'll eat for a day. Give a minnow a resteem and they'll eat forever." Ancient Steemit Proverb.

When did steemit come in voke to have an antient proverb???

Very Funny. Meanwhile, The Minnow Support Project is a great project. Effort is well appreciated.

Another great addition to the community. Thanks for the update!

Congrats winners! Good examples.

Good post,I am happy

I have been a followers all this while. How do i get my post upvoted and resteemed on this plattform @minnowsupport. Please tell me how.

steemit.com vs mspsteem.com

If your site mspsteem.com is a clone of steemit.com then you need to at least need to use a different name and logo for the benefit of everyone involved (yourself, your users, and the overall steem ecosystem).

The code may be open source, but the name and logo could be considered a trademark. Not to mention, a lot of scam crypto sites clone other legit sites, so the way you've set it up it's indistinguishable from a phishing site.

I'm guessing your intentions are well placed, but you need to differentiate yourself from steemit.com, and do it quickly because no one should trust a site that pretends to be steemit.com.

If it wasn't your intention to pretend that you're actually steemit.com then you need to differentiate your site and explain who you are on the front page.

Hope to see MSP do well. And I also hope you get around to making your site less confusing and more transparent to its users.

Help, I can't login to discord, invitation is not valid or has expired

I have see a few comments on here saying something to the likes of “good post”. I am by no means a Steemit expert as you can see by the fact that I am still new also. But stating “good post” isn’t relevant to anything. Add something to the conversation by reading the post and offering intelligent feedback. People aren’t going to follow you or upvote your comment without having something worth up voting. Keep that in mind when you are reading content. I hope this helps.

This project is very useful. As a minnow, posts hardly can be seen by others. That makes some posts get less upvotes even the content is great. So this project is really helping for increasing minnows' reputation and getting upvotes.

Thanks @minnowsupport for being so generous with the give away to the esteem app users, it motivates a lot.

Thanks so much @minnowsupport!!! So excited to be in this community, I'll keep the content coming :)

I get this message? Help please

Very interesant it's so cool. @minnowsupport

how much mspsteem takes from users rewards ? I mean like dtube takes 25% and busy maybe about 8%, I just heard that platforms like that takes some of our earning , is it true and if the case so how much. ?