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RE: Welcoming Images Design Contest [Round #4][Win 10-20 Steem]

in #minnowsupport7 years ago

I made this 3D artwork involving Steemit logo and slogan, check it out:

It's fully 3D :)

You can also check out my post about how it was made:

I would happily give it away to the community


Adding a version with the word "Welcome!"

Nice one bro! Love that it looks so real

Vote vote vote!

Wishing you all the best and hope you will win :)You have my 100% upvote @crypto3d . Nicely done work!

You had me at the reflection man

You have my full support!

And the 3D rendering looks rad as heck!

It's is so real when I first see it. 100% vote for you!! @crypto3d