Tweety-Bird donkey doo-doo. I thought I saw a frickin' whale upvote. #minnowsunite minnowsunited

in #minnowsunite9 years ago

Again, I write from the greatest depths of the greatest waters. I'm looking up, hoping for just one sweet delicious upvote.

I thought I saw a whale upvote. I didn't..I didn't see a whale upvote.

Well, tweety-bird donkey doo-doo! There's always tomorrow, my fellow steemie minnow turds.

Remember to support the ones in need.

Thank you for reading my story.


You trying to dethrone me as the "King of Shitposts"????

At least you are creative, keep up the good work!

haha this^^

I don't know if I would call it "Great Content", but it is funny and engaging! In my opinion that is what we should be after.

I appreciate your replies. Thank you