Of course, if I could ever get an invite to the Minnowbooster whitelist, I would probably change my strategies on upvoting considerably.
I've gotten a little confused over which people I followed because I was evaluating them. I must have had some other reason to follow you. Next time I get one - probably later today sometime - you can have it.
Wow! That would be fantastic. You would do that for a Royals fan? lol
Thanks for considering me.
Royals fans should have something to look forward to.
You've been invited.
Thanks bud! I can't thank you enough. My fingers are crossed. ;)
And you already have your five votes. Admin review is taking a while right now but with votes arriving that fast I think you don't have much to worry about.
Very cool. How will I know when they decide?
You'll get a wallet message if you're accepted.
Good to know and thanks again for the invite. Best news all day.