
Lmfao, ok then bud let me rephrase it for you to better understand.

In Steem, you make money from curating content that gets paid. The same authors often get high payouts or recognition for their posts. Therefore, users with large SP will AUTOMATICALLY vote for users that fit the profile of accounts that earn curators money.

Does this make sense so far?

As you can likely assume, users with hundreds of thousands of dollars often don't just sit around on Steem all day reading thru bullshit spam to vote for the posts. And of course, they want their SP to be used.

Therefore, large users either delegate their power to services that give them a payout similar to self voting with that power. Or, they use their power in automated voting services to ensure they will receive their benefit of holding such a large stake.

I figured all that was known, or assumed, and you just wanted to know how it was being done. Because the question of "why would someone automatically vote for accounts that earn high payouts" is a damn simple one to answer.

I would wager to say that automated voting by users with large SP is more beneficial to the community en masse than delegating large amounts of SP to pay-for-vote services. (That is, of course, my opinion)

Huh, here's me thinking you were one of the cool, not patronizing assholes. Thanks for informing me of what I already knew though.

So I spend time to throughly answer your question with plenty of details and I guess you don't like my wording so I am an asshole.

This is what I refer to when I say people are overly sensitive pussies.

I'm not sensitive at all. But 'lmfao let me make it real simple for you buddy' 'come on this is nothing new' and 'its a damn simple one to ask', you know, you're not making any friends with that are ya?

What if I was purely a blogger, not engaged in all the ins and outs until now?

Not that the effort went unappreciated, but I was asking from a position of knowing exactly what's going on. As in, why are they supporting such huge payouts to such an average post, morally speaking, why aren't they paying attention to this and the betterment of the reward sharing, especially given that the MB team has already conceded that they no longer need to have these posts in the trending anymore and will look at preventing it.

I know several users with hundreds of thousands who pay attention to the quality of their upvoting - with great power comes great responsibility and such, that was my point.

I'm not strongly against it like Bernie per se, but I can see where he's coming from.

I misinterpreted the meaning of your question, clearly.

Morally, they don't give a fuck. They want money.

That's why it was so shitty when ned was delegating so much to the biggest offenders.

Many people are raping the rewards pool in one way or another, some are just having a more lasting and noticeable effect.

True, we all have our individual solutions but the problems are always going to take the next step ahead. It took about 3 days for everyone to start taking advantage of HF19!

You actually are very condescending.

Does this make sense so far?

That is a bitter way to communicate.

This is what I refer to when I say people are overly sensitive pussies.

How is that constructive. I don't disagree that human has regressed in recent years due to social engineering but that statements says more about you and your desire to be seen as superior.

Evidently, true leaders would never speak in that manner. It's only the one's who can never acquire the status that then attempt to shout it loud in hope that someone believes it.

For the record. I am neutral on @berniesanders. He has good intentions but execution is unsettling.

Agree with you about the overly sensitive pussies! Lil cry baby bitches!