This is a good point @flowily! I think @cryptoctopus point is well made. But there are many people who are a "Jack of all Trades, Master of none". And finding the place where we can add to the community in a real and useful way can be difficult.
I think one of the solutions may be to find an established project to become a part of. If the project is something that you can contribute to, even in some small way, and the project gets the attention of a whale or two, then you earn by being a part of the bigger mass. Becoming a school of fish rather than a lone minnow if you will.
I find myself trying all sorts of things to bring eyes to what I am doing. Taking a shotgun to the problem and spreading buckshot all over the place to see if anything hits. Plus we all have diverse interests, so throw out articles that feed to your interests and see what happens.
I really appreciate the advice in articles like this one, it really helps to have guidance, as well as to know there are big fish out there who genuinely care about the little guy.
We need bigger shotguns indeed :)))