No-Fuss my unexpected steemit journey

in #minnow-contest7 years ago

This picture below right here describes my experience since joining this amazing social media platform. For those of you who don't know the game it's kingdom hearts, A mixture of 2 vastly different worlds (disney)+(squaresoft). I can personally say that I have experienced this moment since coming here, a friendly handshake/meeting between two parties.

(Image featured in

Where to begin I remember hearing about steemit in 2016 in an email I read and ... I skipped right through it. Not for lack of interest mind you but because I was busy pursuing my dream of being an entrepreneur. I mean I was laser focused in 2016.

-website was built (the way I had envisioned it)
-content created (A full years worth of content creation products, videos, lessons)
-email autoresponder

However In spite of all of that and even paying for solo ads I still failed. As you can imagine I was stunned,defeated and depressed I took a break from going online for several months thinking I'll never make money online. In late 2017 I had a mentor who helped me a great deal (Will Wiebe) and after several sessions with him he motivated me to keep trying. Fast forward to 2018 and I am looking for ways to promote my website, facebook ads, youtube, pinterest, press release etc, and I receive another email talking about "getting paid to post". I of course was skeptical but I decided why not and bought the course then I saw it was steemit

I was thinking oh no this again and passed on it for a few days. Then I checked out the website and started thinking to myself (well maybe this is a great way to make money) so I signed up for an account. After waiting for close to a week I got approved and made my first #introduceyourself post. I was stunned when I saw that It had 4 comments and 2 or 3 upvotes. This was the first time i had ever received money online so to me It was like a kid tasting candy for the first time. So I decided to start blogging and uploading my content that I created back in 2016. I experienced success my follower list was rising from 4 followers to 15 in the span of a week. And I have only been on this site for one week so I am pretty stoked about it. I even received some money from my videos but I noticed a change in me.

(edited image)
I love the process of being creative and having a community to interact with. I have never had followers on social media so this is still all new to me but I am in love with this site. It's pretty much an obsession at this point. A place where

-I can openly talk about my dreams,fears and thoughts,
-having a following and follow others
-inject creativity into my post and videos
-play games and earn steem
-and interact with people in

I don't live in a positive environment and posting on this website has been a counter-balance to me having negative thoughts of depression,anger,sadness and suicide. Whenever I get down I just think about all the content i have created and the amount of people following me in such a short span of time and my mood changes. That's why I make sure to post everyday It's kind of therapeutic in a way when I think about it. If I had known man, I would've joined in 2016 but it's okay.

So that is my experience of steemit a friendly handshake between 2 parties that has and will lead to so much more.


Hi.. Welcome to Steemit

please follow me @daverdp..
I will follow you and upvote you

Thank you

great piece. hope you're here to stay. community is very supportive to creative people. hope to reading from you.