50 GPU Mining Setup For Sale All Cards 1070

in #mining8 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm moving out of state soon & can't take my rigs with me. 3 rigs with 50 GTX 1070 GPU. I'm currently mining Ethereum but the rigs can also mine Monero, Ethereum Classic, Siacoin, LBRY, and other crypto currencies. I average 1300 MH/s but they could be pushed more since I never overclocked my cards. I can deliver & help you get set up within the Continental United States or you can pick them up in Columbus, OH. I will not ship internationally. Feel free to message me any questions. I'll list the parts to the best of my knowledge. Plenty of open PCIE slots to add more cards. Ebay link below.

IMAG1200(1).jpgIMAG1322.jpg http://www.ebay.com/itm/253157657895


Nice rig. Congrats on selling it!

if i were in the State i would buy them from you
good luck selling them :-)