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RE: Will NICEHASH Be Of Value To Less Technical Miners When It Comes Back??

in #mining7 years ago

Hahahaha Im using awesome miner too now. I'm still not shure if MultiPoolMiner is the better option (more miners and greater options for pool integration if you want to mine electroneum for example). Ill see where the jurney will take me.

Maybe if they proove to be trustwordy again I'll go back there. My biggest mistake and regret was to use their intern wallet to save on some fees. At least NiceHash finally promised to pay all the stolen money back until the end of january:


Yea I seen that today, I screenshotted the heck out of my remaining balance lol. I just hope they follow through with that one, they got hit hard but they do need to remember a lot of that money was other peoples funds too. I think they will provide but we got to wait.

I probably won't be returning to them though, I never really used them only when I didn't have time to keep tabs on the profits, NICEHASH has always been below the top on most mining calculators and I just figure keep going manual with Awesome Miner. I used to use MultiPoolMiner also but I am finding way more profit hitting with Awesome Miner, its just hell to set up lol. You really got to get it tweaked and fine tune a lot of pools, and I found manually adjusting profit API's helps, but its tough to get working fully. I have about 200 pools now in mine, I been at this a long time so I am pretty much on all pools out there.

By the way, Electroneum works fine through Awesome Miner, just make sure you use a custom miner, actually for most of them its best to use modded miners anyways, but it all depends on your rigs what is best suited, so lots of trial and error at the beginning.

For now I am kind of sticking with Zcash for mining, it may not be top dog for mining but I sense it might be worth holding onto just a little longer, so I pointed my Awesome Miner to the ZEC nanopool, going pretty smooth now.

I will say this, I do have a lot of love for Nicehash, I been giving them a lot of hell lately but its only because they slipped bad on that security. I think if they just implement payout options of other coins, then they maybe worth returning to but until they get it that the miner fees are horrendous right now for more BTC payouts, I just have to avoid. So much is changing in this space since I began, some good, some really bad but I do hope Nicehash will always be around as an option for new people to get a taste of what mining can do