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RE: Genesis Miners Unite!

in #mining8 years ago

People never learn. They see some scammer idiot HYPE up a thing, show off some money, and provide you with a referral link. In goes the money and a while later... POOF!!! "MAGIC MONEY!!!" Some scam artist takes your money and shows it off to somebody new - to start the entire process all over again.


LOL! This Trevon Lames and Crack Rant really got to you, didn't they?

Nope. Not even a single penny. I did my research. They looked very dodgy - so I never went for anything they were advertising - and I have encouraged others to avoid them. I do love the blackchain technology, though - so it really pisses me off when I see people who are using a good thing for bad purposes. Cryptos don't need a "black eye."

I did get taken for a ride... 25 years ago, by somebody else. Learned my lesson then. Hopefully, I'm trying to educate people so they don''t have to deal with a similar experience. And, these guys fit the profile of scammers - in my experience.