Minimalism - The way to happiness?

in #minimalism8 years ago

I have always wondered when would it be enough for me? when would I really feel satisfied and happy.
Apparently, I wasn't going to be able to reach this stage with the way I was living my life. Waiting for the paycheck, buying things compulsively, over consuming, always feeling underachieved. At work, it was all about the money, although I love what I do, something in my head kept steering me towards the money. I was drugged by the rush feeling I got from buying new things and looking successful to others. But the emptiness was still there, it didn't feel right and I wasn't feeling happy. I started questioning myself and looking inwards at my actions. I started asking myself why it felt horrible after I buy things although I was happy buying them. why am I not enjoying those things or at least feeling neutral about them? it always felt like as if I committed a crime. I started watching my feelings and analysing them during the process of buying things compulsively. It turns out that if you give yourself a 10 seconds time frame to consider a product you would totally change your mind about it. Instead of just filling up your basket in a hurry and walking away to something else, give your self some time to consider, ask yourself the questions:

  • Why am I buying this?
  • Do I need this?
  • Can I live without this?
    If you answer yes to all, then it must be something that satisfies your basic needs ex: food. but if any of your answers is a No then you have room to discuss it with yourself.
    Having more things won't make you happy, having the right things can.
    Always count to 10 before making a decision and ask yourself if it will make you happy and see how you will be able to change your life.

    maxresdefault.jpg For those of you interested to learn more about Minimalism I advise you to watch the documentary "Minimalism" and learn from other's experience. you can find it on Netflix via this link

I hope I have intrigued you into reconsidering your actions and reassessing your happiness. if you liked this article please upvote and resteem for other to see, and i would love to answer your questions and read your comments below.

Elias Hanna