👽 Here is a quote from Jay in Kyiv: “Putin says he will kill everyone if he is not allowed to have Ukraine.”
Putin is well aware that the stupidest thing he has ever done is invade Ukraine. If he could jump in a time machine and go back to February 21, 2022 (the day before the start of the invasion) there would be no invasion, half a million Russian soldiers that have died in Ukraine would still be alive and Putin would still be selling a billion dollars worth of Russian oil every day paying Russia’s bills with lots left over to add to his collection of multi million dollar yachts.
Now, he can’t stop the insane invasion because if he did the Russian people would wake up out of their Putin-propaganda-induced nightmare and see the horrific death and destruction that Putin has unleashed on the people of Ukraine. Unable to bring back half a million Russian soldiers (sons, brothers, fathers and husbands) the Russian people would tolerate Putin no more… The West, sickened by two years of Putin’s butchery and destruction against the sovereign country of Ukraine, has decreed that they will not let Putin succeed in stealing Ukraine.
A United West is far bigger than Putin’s exhausted, shot-up military. He is now desperate. He knows he is on the way out. Might as well kill all the people on the planet so there will be nobody left to laugh about his bitty brain. All he has to do is launch Russia’s over 5000 nuclear missiles and the radioactive cloud enshrouding the planet will be the end of Humankind.
Good people of SpaceShipEarth, you have to prevent the apocalypse from happening. You have to get into the collective mind of the remaining Russian soldiers and the Russian people. Print up billions of paper flyers inviting the Russian people to Join the global SuperProject to build the world’s first DragonFly Asteroid Miner (elevating all of HumanKind to SuperWorlds status) and distribute them all over Russia and the world. Also put together a video invitation package and rain it down all over SpaceShipEarth via SpaceX’s Starlink satellite communications constellation. Perhaps the Russian generals will come to realize that the age of the DragonFly will be better than the age of the radioactive apocalypse and refuse to push the big red button.
boing boing
Good to see you back on the blockchain, Buddy. Thought you may have taken a break?
The war started 8 years before then in the CIA backed coup of the democratically elected leader of Ukraine and the commencement of the shelling of the Russian ethnic areas in the east, killing approximately 14,000 civilians.
The war was unnecessary with Russia, France, Germany AND Ukraine agreeing in principle to the Minsk Agreement in 2015. When Boris Johnson was sent to Ukraine to tell them to not sign it Putin said enough is enough.
You should really research the other side so to at least be able to debate your points. They are not on as solid a ground as you appear to think. At least in my opinion. No matter though as there is not a dog of mine in this fight.