Oh yea! Predisposition effected my life big time. When I was little I was great at math, but by 6th grade I got sick and didin't attend to school for about half a year. After I came back there was a lot off stuff to cath up too, but the teacher was way to busy to help me individualy. Afther a few tests that I did quite bad on, the teacher just assumed math is not for me and such, I started believing that too and no matter how hard I tried to study math it just didin't make sense to me no more.
Now I'm out of high school, but one day I found an old math exam sheet. I didin't remember the answer to it so I decided to try and solve it just for fun. Since there weren't any teacher or peer's to judge me that I'm taking so long on the test, I had quite a lot of fun. And later on I found out I almost answered all question correctly.
So yep, sadly I let people surrounding me shape my mindset about my math skills. I think that happens to a lot of people.