Oh God! Where did we derail?
Why are we turned outcast in our countries?
Black enslaving black in the name of politics
They loot our common wealth and enrich themselves
While the masses are left with little or no means of survival
The men are depressed,the women are confused and the children are crying for food
In the day they appear like angels,
But in the night they are bedbugs
They lay ambush on us when asleep and suck our blood
They get fatter every night,while we get thinner,weaker every day
Oh Africa! Where is the future of the unborn generation?
Who sow this seed of discord among us?
Oh Africa my dear continent
Africans are strong, bold and fearless
When will your dignity and pride be restored oh Africa!
Who will fumigate these bedbugs and make Africa a better place?
You and i are the fumigators
Arise Africans,let's shine our light of hope and integrity
Togetherness,Africa will be great forever
very thoughtful and soulful article!