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RE: Depression is the Greatest Enemy of Your Creativity and Innovation....

in #mindset6 years ago

Depression is a silent killer. I have been suffering from severe depression from the age of 12 and I am 35 now. My depression has been treatment resistant and we have tried pretty much everything. My psychiatrist wants me to do Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) but I am completely against it.

I have reached a point where I often wonder if there is even enough of me left to save. Depression takes away so much from a person's life and changes them completely. Lack of motivation and interest in anything is so hard to deal with and so frustrating at the same time.

I pray to God for healing all the time.

One thing I find useful though is practicing mindfulness. I use guided mindfulness through the headspace app. The first 10 days are free then they want you to pay to continue but I find just repeating the free 10 days works just fine. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has also been somewhat helpful in dealing with my thoughts

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