Your right buddy! Its impossible to accomplish anything worthwhile in life without the help of others. It is true most of our disappointment come from people, nevertheless it is absurd to give up on people. When I hear comments like a dog is a best man's friend, I feel disappointed with the people who believe this statement. Only man is a man's best friend in spite of all the pain we have caused each other. We have also helped each other in ways and in things that nobody could have helped except another man. We need to learn how to live with this paradoxical nature of man, but not giving up on man.
If you have big dreams, if you have great plans, if you have a great talent, and if you are stilling living, learn and prepare to live, work and fight with man. That is a fact.
Lastly when you come to the knowledge of how much you need help as a human being, you will understand the value of help other human being. Someone said the best to succeed is to help others succeed.
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