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RE: Clear Your Mind of Predisposition If You Truly Want to Learn Something...

in #mindset6 years ago

Firstly, this is really inspiring. The act of feeling you know it all breeds a sense of pride and the Bible says Pride goes before a fall!! Honestly, it's somewhat unwise to think you know it all before you start learning because knowledge itself evolves by the day. So what you thought was prime knowledge as at yesterday could be considered archaic today. Hence there is the need to maintain an open mind even when you know all that's being talked about by the other party; instead of using the "I know" phrase use the "okaay" word in such a way that it urges the other party to go on and also gives you an opportunity to educate and contribute where necessary (that's in a case you are actually more knowledgeable). It shows also get to learn more!!
Holding on to Predispositions truly limits knowledge and if care isn't taken the world will move on leaving the holder behind!!.

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