Thanks to the Cartesian method many here we are liberated from the world, we are people who have what the great Heidegger defines as: The authentic dasein. Which the singularity of the existence becomes more long-lived according to the resource of experiences given in the inautentico dasein. This leads many to isolate us, anthropological studies define this as the current state of Ubermechens. What is really not bad, but yes, this is worked very much by French existentialism, what happens to those who live in a society of: Scenic identities? where you have to act under a mask to establish relationships. It is bad? Is it against the principles of authenticity? I tell my dear reader at all, in fact I am the world.
In this world where a reputation is made, I mean in the world of letters, they think that by speaking Esperanto to write essays, all my deductive and anthropological work is an isolated and bitter older person. The reality is the opposite happens that in my country in the real world, I'm just a number without a face, just one more. Therefore I descend to converse with mortals. Representing my role well, being coarse, incapable and cloudy. So is. Express the language as a means of communication about the work of the linguistic turn taking it to the present. Where we are in the societies of scenic identities.
This is where a dear friend of mine comes in who we will call ZZ.
Basic aspects social anthropology in networks.
One of the philosophers that most respect is Zizek wrote an article that denominates scenic identities. I enter this world of scenic identities because it is established in several stages, entering November, for different aspects which I reserve, but entering into the post details we immerse ourselves in the exciting philosophy of life.

Things are defined by the relationships of things by words to each word corresponds a thing in this way we have two fundamental concepts, one side is the atomic facts and the atomic preposition. This is pure Wittgenstian, this is a representation, therefore language is a map of reality.
Now what is associated with reality, what is meaningless, therefore the limits of my language are the LIMITS OF THE WORLD, AMONG THE RICHER IS MY MOST OPEN LANGUAGE IS THE WORLD. But the limits of the world are limited by the language of my environment. The metalanguage is not an atomic preposition, in fact it is not a function of truth, that is why the prepositions of language lack meaning. The tratatus is only anchor in the solitary in this way philosophy says nothing, anthropology is more than a science is an activity.
ZZ is the world, the words paint the reality of multiplying smiles, the pearls of the tractatus are:
The limits of language are the limits of my world.
The ethics is not expressible.
The inexplicable, certainly, exists. It is shown, in the mystical.
What you can not talk about is silent.
ZZ is an equal of the opposite dasein because of that the ball is bounced. It was my logical contradiction. We have seen the basic characteristics of my reader's ideal thinking. You have to be pragmatic.
Malpica where are you and the sparkling coffee?
This is what is called the games of language what matters is this and is that it influences and engenders the social Ergo mediatic anthropology must distance us from the bewitchment of our intelligence through language. To do this, we must not ask about meanings but about uses.

To imagine a language is to imagine a way of life is a nonsense where you do not have to pay attention to the use of words.
My reader lives what millions of nihil wonder and this is a very Vallejo phrase What to do? for that reason the philosophy of the logical structure exists but it does not make sense to apply it in some social environments.
Yoismo the age of dead innocence.
The users elaborate, daily, a small novel of their life where Facebook is the mirror.
The language of this form is expressed by it we have to go down and down, it is not bad in reality, neither do you go against your principles since you are a lucid, critical and active person. Remember that language is a property of the development of all mammal language is a game where you can present or represent in many ways, decay only if, you were not lucido.
Actually there is not a language itself but several things that make up the way of life, acting on orders is all just a game. There are rules we play and that is what the game consists of. It is not a painting of reality they are simple uses. Therefore the only thing that exists only in the language are similarities that are crossed that are family resemblances that overlap, this to be able to develop you in the world.
When considering the natures of time is not the same as saying What time is it?