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RE: Why Do We Need More Philanthropists in the Modern World???

in #mindset6 years ago

The class gap of wealth in society is indeed a problem, but it is not rooted in devilry and mischief.

Today's inequality is rooted in banking theft and is entirely unethical an immoral. It is theft.

It is simply a matter of inevitable turn of events as a result of a properly functioning economic system.

There is no metric to apply that can equate our economic system as a 'properly functioning system', sorry.
It is based on theft. (earning money off money that doesn't exist)

I don't mean to be negative on your posts - , but I will not let false paradigms - and hence a false reality - go unchallenged.
I make no apology for that, my friend.

I will always fight for ethically correct and factual based empirical argument. (not a desire to offend or be critical for it's own sake.).


I understand what you mean. But sometimes I write just to be provocative and opinions like yours are written as well. On the contrary, I have always been a paradigm breaker, but it is necessary to understand that we have countries with many differences and sometimes what can be applied in one country can be good and in another not. This is like in self help books. It would be impossible to do what was written by "rich dad poor dad" in Latin American countries, but in other countries yes. It's just an analysis for reflexion and I respect your opinion and I do not think you're negative. I do not know what country you are but being a businessman and building a successful bussiness in a country like mine. The annual interest rate on credit cards has reached 400% a year last year. It requires a lot for those of us who do not make mistakes. Greetings.

I feel identified with both opinions. And I feel the need to comment on this.

I would like to clarify, first of all that I come from Venezuela, and as it is already well known worldwide, we are going through an economic crisis unprecedented in the whole world, with an inflation rate that is already around 10.000.000%, something only seen in economies sub-Saharan countries such as Zimbabwe and Somalia.

When I read what was written by the friend @lucylin, I feel identified by the savagery of robbery and corruption in which my country is sadly plunged, and here we talk that banks are not necessarily, we are talking about a totally corrupt political and legislative system, so intense that it ended up leading to bankruptcy and debatable even to several banks. So I agree with your opinion friend @lucylin. I have been affected very seriously by this, as my family unfortunately.

And on the other hand, I see what @chbartist says about it and it makes me react, I feel alluded to, since despite being in Latin America and in the worst economy and the highest risk worldwide, I consider a book of Kiyosaki as a Father Rich Poor Father and other of his works more, have given me ideas and an essence that I still carry with me, and have contributed to maintain my spirit and even achieve a medium success in business, despite the vicissitudes. Without a doubt, not everything can be put into practice, it is true; the country situation does not allow it. But my mind does stay focused, and that already represents a success. The minds of many in my country, have had to become very creative, not only to survive, but to achieve success in business, in which this crisis makes us grow instead of shrinking.

Therefore, I think that an article like this should be seen with a lot of empathy. The reality of a country does not necessarily affect all its citizens in the same way, that's why this type of self-help books I think have served me a lot, but it has not been so for many other people. And being in a developed country, with a capitalist government and stable economy, does not imply that all citizens do well in business and economically. So I agree with both @lucylin and @chbartist.

Thanks @chbartist for these very interesting articles. As always very attentive.

A hug. Best regards!

Another excellent article @chbartist!

This one is a morals bender and a lot of people will confront that demon which says to be wealthy and rich without any moral anchor.

Then there are those which despise and hate going after wealth and riches as an objective goal in itself. They are volunteers for some good cause. They never allow the overwhelming emotional drive, enthusiasm, and energy required for success to possess them outright to achieve what they want. They feel perfectly fine being an enabler to wealth creation pursued by an entrepreneur with a capitalist business plan .

Creation of wealth and riches will always be the direct result of a successful endeavor of some kind, probably the solution to some great menace or health threat, merits the outpouring of wealth upon such noble contributors to life.

One thing we can be sure of is the haves and have not's - haves try really hard to be successful, the have not's try really hard to enable the haves by their dependence upon their success.

What a beautiful world we live in!

You are absolutely right. A lot of problems people link to capitalism are actually not problems of capitalism but large governments, but sadly our education system is run by the same large unrestricted government.

I read some parts of the above posts, but I would like to add: The current economy/system is at least getting people to participate on some level. Some people just want to have a never ending pointless holiday, lethargy and weakness in the form of a freeloading wealthy class is a problem as well. Life should always be active at some level, not just sink into a couch in an over sized house. - Get excited about life.

Hi @lucylin,

"Today's inequality is rooted in banking theft....... "

I have a small doubt here. How can you say that inequality is because of bank theft alone? Because the theft is happening, but indirectly (but still it comes under theft), in each and every sector this mankind is known of. Please do throw some light in it.

Posted using Partiko Android

If the banking system has the power to print fiat currency - it takes money off people at the bottom at a higher rate than those at the top.

The bank takes value off the currency by printing more and more money - thus reducing purchasing power. (the inequality is exacerbated by this action. Those with less continue to receive less. Increasing inequality is systematic because of this dynamic).

The banking system uses the currency at it's highest level, (highest value),and then devalues it. By the time it's circulating in the lower socioeconomic levels the value has dissipated.
Taking value off currency through fiat printing is still theft.

snap (3).jpg


But banks aren't autonomous bodies. Here in India, the banking industry has become a puppet in the hands of the central government. So any decision taken by the bank has to be permitted by the government or else that particular decision will be shelved.

"The banking system uses the currency at it's highest level, (highest value),and then devalues it. "

Whatever maybe the decision taken, it has to get the nod from the central government and that is the "ONLY" way things goes here!

Posted using Partiko Android

...quick search on india banking...

RBI was owned by illuminati Rothschilds and being controlled by international banking cartel. Our central banking systsem itself Rothchilds version,which is manifacturing more debt than real money in circulation,trapping every coutry ,people into debt.

All our RBI governors are all their groomed, choosen agents who are brainwashed ,selected to serve in their Central Bank,similarly in every country .

Our Banking system(interest making) itself fraud which creates money out of thin air, looting our economy,making all of us debt slaves, bringing excess money in to circulation,causing inflation.

India’s Public debt stood at 65,65,652 crores Rs (65 lakh crore Rupees) or roughly 929 billion US dollars at an exchange rate of @ 70 Rs to a dollar

The data is as on September 2017

Here in India, the banking industry has become a puppet in the hands of the central government.

Banks run governments my friend - not the other way around - just the illusion of it.