Top Things The Brain Is Capable Of

in #mindset7 years ago

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• Learn how to calculate complex equations, thus enabling us to become human calculators.
• Change your body’s temperature by meditating or heal someone with a phenomenon called chi or ki.
• Learn to play an instrument by just imagining that you can play it or even sculpt in your mind.
• Set mental alarms if you don’t want to use your smartphones alarm.
• Become intolerable to pain. Think of the masters of Tai Chi, Kung Fu who break whole bricks with their heads and fire-walkers in India who walk on coal without a burn under their feet, did I tell you that these guys stuff one of these hot coals in their mouth’s without nothing.
• Conquer phobias. Scared of heights? Do bungee Jumping as a hobby and then learn to sky dive. Scared of dogs? Visit a dog compound or better yet buy one.
• Create awesome award winning novels like J.K Rowlings Harry Potter or the next Iphone by Steve Jobs or a future cure for cancer.

Those are just some of the few things the brain can do. It is believed that the human brain is a supercomputer and it’s mind a super software, it does things computers barely try to do, like facial recognition, a computer cannot cook or dream or even be creative like trying to write itself a song or compose a symphony or abstract paint. We literally have natural NZT oozing through the cores of our pineal glands or what some call the third eye. What we are mostly led to believe that we only access 27% of our brains is a complete fad and is an outright myth. The mind has no limits thus it is limitless and through it we have created the world we now know and the future is looking great with artificial intelligence and augmented reality in the pipelines.