That is a great reminder; one we should schedule frequently.
I have disconnected from the internet several times for different reasons (traveling, sickness, blackouts) and it is certainly a relief not to have to oversaturate your brain with so much information, most of which is a waste of time and energy.
My eyes are the ones that thank me the most for the breaks. There are days, when I've been working over the clock on the computer, that I feel dizzy and as if I had a load on my nape.
My family also thanks me for the disconnection, although they are also addicted to their favorite tech thing. Technology has definitely transformed the form we interact and bears a big share of responisbility for our inability to communicate meaningfully and share quality time with our loved ones.
Of course, we can always choose, and choosing to disconnect from the internet o whatsapp is the best decision we can make once in a while.
Doing it for good would be ideal but some of us owe our livelihood to the net, so until options are found, it will have to be only occasional.