My mindset leaks procrastination

in #mindset7 years ago

As I noticed last year, that my poker development stopped by the mindset. One of the first mistakes may be procrastinating. What is this ?? A few definitions.


  • is dealy in conjunction with subjective discomfort
  • is when we delay beginning or completing an intended course of action
  • is the illogical delay of behavior

All procrastination is delay, but not all delay is procrastination ( T. Pychyl)

Why do we procrastinate ?

  • Task is too difficult or boring
  • Project is too big
  • We don't know where to start
  • We don't know how to do it
  • Because of perfectionism

Interesting experiment
"... when anticipating an upcoming math-task, the higher one's math anxiety, the more one increases activity in regions associated with visceral threat detection, and often the expierience of pain itself. Interestingly, this relation was not seen during math performence, suggesting that it is not that math itself hurts; rather, the anticipation of math is painful. "


  1. Trigers
    a) time
    b) place
    c) mood
    d) reaction
    e) something has happened
  2. Routine
  • create plan
  • new behavior
  1. Reward
  • find some rewards that motivates you
  • replace instant graticication with task
  1. Believe
  • it's gonna work
  • you can do it

Thiniking about product is causing discomfort
Instead of this You should focus on PROCESS !!

Good aplcations to fight with procrastinations


  1. Consider how procrastination affects your life and do a review of all consequences ( including all possible areas; time, energy, mood, healt, money) ??
  2. What excuses do you make when you postpone something ?
  3. Point out the situations in which you most often procrastinate.
  4. What actions will you take to fight with the ahbit of procrastination? Do the list of solutions.