Hey I just had to comment on your intro saying “Frogs are generally deemed as disgusting creatures...” I really have to disagree with you here, it is toads that are deemed disgusting, on the other hand frogs are super cute, an environmentally important species and their courting singing chorus is delightful to listen to. As far as eating them goes, I believe it is mainly only the French that eat frog’s legs as a delicacy, although they may be eaten by other cultures around the world as well. I notice one of your commenters @tommyl33 mentions eating frogs in Vietnam and Cambodia.
I have a green tree frog that sits in the soap dish in my rainforest semi outdoor shower, it is so beautiful, flouro green and sings every night.
Anyway I am with you for your awesome positivity towards #steemit and I think that your plan is a really good one for the community and it will help minnows like me grow and become more successful on this platform as well as help us to make meaningful friendships with other #steemers, regardless of whether we like or dislike frogs! I think your philosophies are genuine and you have the right idea here.
I would like to be on your list and will start to post more often and help to get the ball rolling for myself and other new #steemers as well.