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RE: What Happens When Your Mind is Wired Up the Wrong Way?

in #mindset6 years ago

The world of technology has changed the world for better and for worse. This problem of people wasting time and energy gossiping, discussing and exploring what others have to say about the lives of celebrities is a sad reality hat occupies the minds of people who probably neglect their own lives. If they themselves were in the limelight I’m sure they would live their lives differently. Solutions are difficult but I would like to suggest that if people were to use social media more mindfully then changes are possible. How many people realise the fact that social media has opened up the world for every person, making it possible for even the unknown entities to become influential to others. The creation of groups designed to help others change the world view, instigate the innovation of new ways to make a difference is now at our fingertips. We can all be celebrities if we want to. Famous for how we respond to those who are listening.

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