Hey Steemers!!!
It is late into the night. I should have slept over way back , but something has kept me up. As i used to be reading my emails earlier within the evening I had encounter one with a quote that grabbed my attention. It read: "The explanation for the confusion prevailing in your mind that weakens your thoughts is that the fallacy that there's an influence or powers outside you greater than the facility within you.”
The statement immediately grabbed my attention. I searched internet , proceeded to download the entire book and began reading it from starting to end. Now, hours later, with the silence of the night being broken only by the croaking of frogs outside, I even have finished it.
I couldn't put the book down until I reached the top . i'm almost sure if it had been the mysterious character in it called “The Master” or that it just made plain sense that spurred me on to read it in one seating. regardless of the case, albeit I knew tons of its contents before, they appear to possess taken on a replacement and fresh meaning.
Message of A Master – the Results
The book was called “The Message of a Master” and was written by John McDonald in 1929. It begins with the story of a person who had lost both his health and wealth and was in despair and wallowing in his misery. As a remedy he ran faraway from his town and was aimlessly traveling around in defeat. That was until he met the master.
Almost immediately his fortunes changed. He regained not just his wealth, but also his health and, on reflection, castigated himself for having wasted such a lot of his life doing things wrongly when there was a neater , fail proof thanks to achieve both health and wealth.
Message of A Master – the Universal Law
The master called it the Universal Law. He himself lived by it and, as was evident in his lifestyle and achievements, it had worked well for him. He said of it: “the great masses of humanity are using the Law destructively or partially so, and therefore the scales are balanced against them. Here and there, among the masses, we discover an occasional outstanding figure who has achieved greatness or success and he's erroneously singled out as lucky or as a genius, when the very fact is that he has made use of the law – whether knowingly or unknowingly it matters not – a minimum of sufficiently to possess the scales balanced in his favor.”
He went on to elucidate the Universal Law by giving examples. Electricity, for instance , has always been around within the world. Yet, until man understood it and, more importantly, understood the way to harness it and use it for his sown benefit, it had been totally useless to him. Furthermore, electricity are often an agent of both good and bad, counting on how you employ it. therefore the Universal Law has always existed, though most are unaware of it, and may be an agent of both good and bad, counting on how you employ it.
Message of A Master – have an open mind
Lest there be skeptics amongst a number of you reading this, allow me to repeat the words of the master: “He who is sensible in his own conceit, who approaches a topic in an attitude of doubt and resistance, will learn little. there's not much hope for him. But he who takes up any subject in an open mind, willing to find out anything which will contribute to his advancement, comfort and happiness, is wise.”
So as I read, i attempted to stay an open mind. All the while eagerly waiting to be told what precisely the Universal Law was and the way I could utilize it myself. My persistence in reading was soon rewarded. The Universal Law was indeed nothing new me. it had been simply this: anything you firmly and consistently believe will happen . to place it more eloquently it had been “that (the) mind…holds images, pictures. And any picture firmly held in any mind, in any form, is sure to come forth.”
The Universal Law, I thought, is actually universal. Why? Because I even have encounter it in numerous forms and from numerous different sources, all written at numerous different times and in numerous different places. Yet one thing that's consistent amongst them is that one concept your thoughts control your destiny. Your are on top of things of everything that happens to you, good or bad. “The man who knows the law and uses it'll be supreme and therefore the ignorant one who refuses to ascertain this may just remain bond to his false beliefs.”
Message of A Master – Thoughts are supreme
Thoughts are the supreme thing in life. The outer environment is simply a mirrored image of the thinking. The master observed that folks called him intrinsically because he appeared to have some supernatural powers, but he added that this was true only in “the sense that I even have learned the way to master environment and conditions. That I even have developed in me the powers that abide altogether folks which i'm more nearly living life because it should be lived.” Mastery of environment and conditions is one among the keys to being successful and living life from the within out.
Common sense living has it backwards. We tend to measure from the outside-in, responding to and adjusting our lives to outer conditions and environment. But the right process is to measure from the inside-out. we will create our world from within us, in our minds, then it'll happen through our effort and diligence to bring it about.
Message of A Master – Conclusion
James Allen was pertaining to this same law in his book “As a person Thinketh” when he said that when man “realizes that he's an ingenious power, which he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow; he then becomes the rightful master of himself."
The whole principle, as outlined within the book, might be given in additional detail, but that's hardly necessary. the straightforward truth is obvious . that's why it's often overlooked. But if you utilize it, it'll work for you because it has for thousands before you. Use the facility of your mind. Create your life from within.
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