God says in his word that we do not do things out of vain glory, out of hypocrisy, but rather like God, you can do things with virtue, but if that virtue is not genuine, it does not have an effect on you, our works are tested like gold , and when it passes through the fire they must shine to know that they are authentic.
by means of which he has given us precious and very great promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having fled from the corruption that is in the world because of concupiscence; 5 You also, putting all diligence for this very thing, add to your faith
virtue; to virtue,
knowledge; to knowledge,
own domain; to self-control,
patience; to patience,
piety; to godliness,
brotherly affection; and to brotherly affection,
Virtue: All the people I have asked about in the last months about virtue, they only understood that it was a gift that one has or not, a quality that some have for certain things. Precisely ignorance of language prevents us from understanding the things of God, but we must give thanks to the Father who opens the Scriptures for our spiritual growth. In the dictionary we can read: Particular disposition to observe certain duties, to fulfill certain actions, quality, besides faculty, and also quality of the spirit that inclines to practice good.

Once we put virtue in each of the components of our being, "Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body" we can begin to dominate the body, prepare the mind and let the Spirit rule our spirit in our soul, for the love of God.