The list I made is from this community, read the Important notes footer. This list was made because people interact with meaningful comments on this blog and vote for each other. If you want I can include you, because every time I post something you will be notified, but it is important to read the footer. Regards
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@chbartist so if I understand it right, we will be all upvoting and sharing eachothers comments and posts? I (the person who posts for Ambr Global) am still new to this platform, I have to figure everything out. Right now I search for new posts from people I don't know, and show them my support by leaving an upvote and resteem. I have noticed this platform is not so active, which I think is caused by the current bearmarket of cryptocurrency. So I will be trying my best here to build this company account, and make many friends on the way. I have been on a similar platform before, it was called TSU. I am always generous with upvotes and comments, so be free to include me in the list, i'll do my best to support the community! Still trying to figuere out what posts I should create here, as the blockchain vocabulary posts get boring!
Hello, let me explain better. The people on the list are people who comment on the posts on this blog. Everyone here who leaves meaningful comments gets my upvote and upvote from others who have also left meaningful comments. You may notice that in this blog many people have 8, 9 10 upvotes, because we have a family here where some vote for each other. Understood? But what I said is that some people do not like being included in the list because they get notifications whenever I post something but if you want I can include you in the list. You will be welcome.