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RE: Is This World Getting Worse Every Day? An Observation on Good and Evil...

in #mindset6 years ago (edited)

The media is based on marketing a product and a particular view point. They are not interested in reporting the news. Their goal is to play on and feed into our fears. Most of our fears are irrational and not based on facts. They are based on feelings. For instance, I may have a feeling of danger . The feeling is real, it just may not be based on facts. So the media presents stories and views that" justify our feelings." An example would be Liberals or Conservatives automatically seeing the other as inherently evil. It's not that we simply disagree on the issues. We see them as inherently, unrepently evil. And vice versa. When my feelings and presuppositions are affirmed, then I am affirmed. As for looking at the negative of things, it is hard for most of us to be positive about life. When things go good, then we attribute it to the "universe". We don't realize that somebody worked hard and planned and made good decisions. Just like when things go bad, we have to have someone to blame. It wasn't that I failed to properly plan or do my due dilgence. It's the "universe" conspired against me. Things do happen and they do go wrong. And it doesn't have to be someone's fault. The question is now do we respond in those moments. I have learned that the key is to not just be positve, but to be grateful. An attitude of gratitude changes our enviornment and our personal trajectory. @chbartist I love your posts. I appreciate how you are here to serve the community and help us all to be successful. Include my profile in the list, because I do or want to be part of all this with all of you!